ADOT continues work on US 89 widening, bridge replacement project near Cameron
ADOT continues work on US 89 widening, bridge replacement project near Cameron

According to Arizona’s Historic Bridge Inventory, the Cameron Truss Bridge was constructed in 1958 to replace another bridge that had been built back in 1911.
Here we are, 56 years later, and it’s time to replace that replacement…
“The current bridge is safe now, but it’s basically at the end of its lifespan,” says Project Supervisor Rick Schilke in the video above.
The bridge has had a good run, though, and has carried countless vehicles over the Little Colorado River, near Cameron. It’s also kind of noteworthy, according to the bridge inventory.
“As a pivotal crossing on this regionally important route, the Cameron Truss Bridge enjoys a degree of historical significance for its contribution to northern Arizona transportation,” the document states on page 298. “The structure is technologically important as a well-preserved example of large-scale bridge construction.”
About the project
ADOT started in March on the project to expand US 89 from two lanes to four lanes through the community of Cameron within the Navajo Nation, approximately 50 miles north of Flagstaff. The project is planned to be constructed in two main phases, with completion expected in fall 2016.
Major work includes the widening of US 89 to two lanes in each direction between State Route 64 and the Little Colorado River (mileposts 464-467) and the removal and replacement of the existing Cameron Truss Bridge with two new bridges at that location.
Additional improvements include constructing a roundabout at the existing intersection of US 89 and SR 64, new sidewalks, streetlights and four pedestrian/livestock underpasses.
What drivers should expect
As Schilke explains in the video above, the restrictions to traffic will be relatively minor.
During the first phase of construction, all traffic will remain on its current alignment. For the second phase, all traffic will be moved onto the newly constructed roadway (anticipated in summer 2015).
Delays may occur during construction with traffic reduced to one lane. There will be directional signage and flaggers present during construction. ADOT advises motorists to be alert for construction equipment and personnel, and to proceed through the work zone with caution.
For more information, please check out the project Web page. If you’re interested in the history of the bridge (which we’re betting you are – you’re reading a transportation blog, after all!), you can find additional facts by viewing the Historic Bridge Inventory.