Pedestrian beacon makes crossing US 70 safer in reservation community

Pedestrian beacon makes crossing US 70 safer in reservation community

September 12, 2018

By Tom Herrmann / ADOT Communications

An ADOT project has made crossing US 70 safer for those living in the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation community of Bylas.

Community leaders and ADOT officials have turned on a pedestrian hybrid beacon giving those on foot a signal to use a crosswalk while alerting drivers to stop.

Bylas is located in Graham County, about 44 miles east of Globe and about 34 miles west of Safford.

The beacon is located Centerpoint Road near Mount Turnbull Apache Market, at a marked crosswalk located at a spot with no traffic signal. It uses a system of indicator lights and signs.

Pedestrians push a button to activate the beacon, then cross safely when the WALK symbol appears. For a more detailed explanation of how the system works, click on the video above.

Pedestrian hybrid beacons have been installed across the nation, including the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas, to improve pedestrian safety. This is the second pedestrian-activated beacon in this part of Arizona. The first is near Globe High School on US 60.