Consultant Prequalification

Consultant Prequalification

Consultants interested in providing design services to ADOT are required to be prequalified with ECS. Prequalification is done on a biennial year basis with each prequalification period beginning Jan. 1 of an even numbered year (e.g., 2020, 2022, 2024) and ending on Dec. 31 of an odd numbered year (e.g., 2021, 2023, 2025).

All firms must prequalify for 2024-2025 before they can submit Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for contracts advertised with a SOQ due date between Jan. 1, 2024, and Dec. 31, 2025.

There is no specific deadline to submit a prequalification application; however, firms should expect the prequalification process to take up to 10 business days and are encouraged to prequalify as early as possible. Consultants are encouraged to use the prequalification resources on this page to ensure a successful prequalification process.

All firms wishing to prequalify will need to provide a current AZ UTRACS Vendor Registration Number. To get a new AZ UTRACS registration number, update an existing AZ UTRACS registration or search for an existing AZ UTRACS number, go to

 It is the firm's responsibility to ensure that the AZ UTRACS Vendor Registration Number does not expire at any time during the Prequalification. Expired AZ UTRACS Registration Number may result in a firms SOQ being disqualified.

How to Begin the Prequalification Process

Access Consultant Prequalification in eCMS

Remote Access FAQ

    Tools to Help Consultants Prequalify Successfully

     Technical Services List

    Prequalified Consultants 

    Current ECS Subconsultant List