Project Deliverables - Arizona State Freight Plan
Project Deliverables - Arizona State Freight Plan
Final Approved State Freight Plan
Additional Freight Plan Resources/Documents
Project Inception
Phase 1: Define Strategic Goals and Objectives
Phase 2: Develop Inventory of State Freight Transportation Assets
Phase 3: Assess Arizona’s Freight Characteristics and Economic Context
Overall Economic Context of Freight Movement in Arizona
- Individual Working Papers on Arizona’s Top 10 Sectors
- Forestry Energy Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Food and Beverage Wholesaler & Retail Transportation and Logistics Agriculture High Tech Manufacturing General Manufacturing
Phase 4: Define the Freight Plan’s Policies and Strategies
Phase 5: Identify the Condition and Performance of the State Freight Transportation System
Proposed Performance Measures, Data, and Approaches for Assessing System Conditions and Performance Condition and Performance of Arizona’s Freight Transportation System
Phase 6: Develop Freight Forecasts and Scenarios
Phase 7: Define Trends, Needs and Issues
Potential Freight Scenarios and Implications Trends, Needs, Issues and Assessment of Policy Responses