Project Deliverables - Arizona State Freight Plan

Project Deliverables - Arizona State Freight Plan

Final Approved State Freight Plan


Additional Freight Plan Resources/Documents

Project Inception


Phase 1: Define Strategic Goals and Objectives


Phase 2: Develop Inventory of State Freight Transportation Assets


Phase 3: Assess Arizona’s Freight Characteristics and Economic Context


Phase 4: Define the Freight Plan’s Policies and Strategies


Phase 5: Identify the Condition and Performance of the State Freight Transportation System


Phase 6: Develop Freight Forecasts and Scenarios


Phase 7: Define Trends, Needs and Issues


Phase 8: Assess Strengths and Weaknesses of the State’s Freight Transportation System


Phase 9: Define  the Decision Making Process and Prioritization Framework


Phase 10: Define the State Freight Transportation System Improvement Strategy


Phase 11: Develop an Actionable Implementation Plan