Loop 101 Price Freeway Study
Loop 101 Price Freeway Study
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), initiated a Design Concept Report (DCR) and environmental study to evaluate the addition of one general-purpose travel lane in each direction on a six-mile stretch of Loop 101 (Price Freeway) from the US 60 (Superstition Freeway) to the Loop 202 (Santan Freeway).
Growing traffic demand has caused the Loop 101 corridor to become increasingly congested during the morning and evening peak travel periods, and traffic volume projections indicate the congestion will worsen in the future. This study of additional general-purpose travel lanes in each direction would increase the freeway capacity and help alleviate increased levels of traffic congestion in the future.
The DCR evaluates the potential impacts of providing the additional travel lanes and includes preliminary design. Potential environmental impacts will be documented in an environmental document following the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This study is a component of the Maricopa Association of Governments Regional Transportation Plan Freeway Program.
During this initial phase (also known as scoping), the public provided study-related comments and questions to be addressed in the Initial Design Concept Report and draft environmental document. The study team will be analyzing the following three alternatives:
- No Build (or no action-the freeway remains as it is today)
- Alternative 1: Full with general-purpose travel lane in each direction
- Alternative 2: General-purpose travel lane widening with reduced lane and/or shoulder widths, as needed
- Additional alternatives may be considered based on study-related comments and questions received.
![Loop 101 Price Freeway Study Timeline](/sites/default/files/2019/07/loop101-price-timeline.jpg)