North-South Corridor Tier 2 Environmental and Engineering Studies

North-South Corridor Tier 2 Environmental and Engineering Studies

The North-South Corridor is a 55-mile planned future transportation route in Pinal County that would stretch from US 60 in Apache Junction to Interstate 10 in Eloy. The 1,500-foot North-South Corridor route was selected in a previous Tier 1 engineering and environmental study. In 2023, ADOT initiated Tier 2 engineering and environmental studies to refine the North-South Corridor from a 1,500-foot corridor to a proposed 400-foot freeway alignment, identify the location of interchanges, provide for a potential multi-use corridor and other features. The purpose of the North-South Corridor is to improve regional connectivity, provide an additional connection through a growing area of the Sun Corridor and address current and future transportation needs in Pinal County.

Two separate studies will be conducted along the corridor:

  • US 60 to Arizona Farms Road (Segment 1) is identified as the north segment and makes up approximately 20 miles of the full North-South Corridor.
  • Arizona Farms Road to Interstate 10 in Eloy (Segment 2) is identified as the south segment and makes up approximately 35 miles of the full North-South Corridor. 

North-South Corridor Tier 2 Environmental and Engineering Studies Map

Click here for an interactive North-South corridor map

These studies will build upon the Tier 1 EIS and identify and evaluate the engineering and environmental considerations of various design concept alternatives for the corridor, including the no-build alternative.

A Tier 2 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Design Concept Reports (DCR) will be prepared for each study, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other regulatory requirements. These studies are expected to take approximately two to three years to complete.

Currently, there is no timeline to build either segment of the North-South Corridor, as no funding for design, right-of-way or construction has been identified.

The public will have several opportunities to provide input at each phase of these studies. 

Public Involvement

Segment 1

The Arizona Department of Transportation hosted a series of public meetings for the North-South Corridor Tier 2 Study, Segment 1, US 60 to Arizona Farms Road. Public meetings were held on September 12, 2023, September 14, 2023, and September 20, 2023. Information regarding the meetings can be found at the linked documents below. The next public meetings are Segment 1 are expected in Spring 2025.

Segment 2

The Arizona Department of Transportation plans to host a series of public meetings for the North-South Corridor Tier 2 Study, Segment 2, Arizona Farms Road to Interstate 10 in Eloy, in Spring 2025.

Email sign up

Join the email list to stay involved and keep current on future updates for both North-South Corridor Study segments.

Contact Us

For questions about the North-South studies, contact us:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 602.474.3990
  • Mail: ADOT North-South Study Team c/o ADOT Communications, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007

NEPA Assignment Disclosure

The environmental review, consultation and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being or have been carried out by ADOT pursuant to 23 USC 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated 6/25/2024 and executed by FHWA and ADOT.