Loop 101 and Interstate 10 System Interchange
Loop 101 and Interstate 10 System Interchange
The Arizona Department of Transportation completed a study in 2023 that evaluated improvements to the Loop 101 (Agua Fria Freeway) and Interstate 10 system interchange in the West Valley, producing a Design Concept Report.
This project is in partnership with the Maricopa Association of Governments, and in cooperation with the cities of Phoenix, Tolleson, Avondale, Goodyear and Glendale.
The purpose of the project is to:
- Mitigate weaving movements for HOV traffic
- Improve safety and traffic operations
- Improve movement at traffic interchanges and surface streets
- Accommodate future widening projects
Project Area
Project Elements
- A new Direct High-Occupancy Vehicle (DHOV) ramp within the existing interchange that will accommodate travel to/from the north along Loop 101 and to/from the east along I-10.
- Widening of Loop 101 and I-10 to accommodate the new DHOV ramp
- A new connection from the south to east freeway system ramp and 91st Avenue, called a ‘slip ramp.’
- An extension of the southbound Loop 101 off-ramp at McDowell Road
- Noise walls, where warranted
- Possible minor right-of-way impacts
Project Documents
To review project documents, including the Design Concept Report and the Noise Analysis Report, vist the Project Documents page.
Oct. 17 Virtual Public Meeting
ADOT held a virtual public meeting on the final design for the Loop 101 and I-10 System Interchange on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024.
Download the Oct. 17 Public Meeting Summary.
Virtual Public Meeting Recording - English
Virtual Public Meeting Recording - Spanish
Video Simulation - English
Video Simulation - Spanish
The project is now in the Final Design phase. Final design is expected to be completed in early 2025, with advertisement for construction expected in spring 2025.
Public Input
Two public meetings were held during the study phase. Visit the study page to learn more about the public meetings, and view study documents, including the Design Concept Report, Noise Report and more.
The public will be invited to learn about the final design of the project and provide input in 2024, anticipated most likely in late summer.
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- Phone: ADOT Bilingual Project Information Line: 855.712.8530
- Email: [email protected]
- Mail: ADOT Communications, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007