History / Contract Documents (Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway)
History / Contract Documents (Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway)
ADOT continually engaged the community throughout design and construction to ensure the public was informed of activities and the changes that came with it.
Information from public meetings during the study phase of the project can be found in the More Project History section.
Historical Meetings and Events
Preliminary Design Public Input Meetings
ADOT, in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), hosted three public meetings on September 27, 28 and October 6 of 2016 to share information and obtain public input on preliminary design plans for the future freeway.
The Public Meeting Comment Report and appendices are available below:
- Preliminary Design Public Comment Report
- Appendix A-F: Meeting Notification
- Appendix G: Presentation Boards
- Appendix H: Meeting Presentation
- Appendix I: Aesthetic and Landscape Design Concepts Presentation
- Appendix J: Diverging Diamond Interchange Presentation
- Appendix K: Example Question/Comment Card
- Appendix L: Transcribed Question/Comment Cards
- Appendix M: Scanned Question/Comment Cards
- Appendix N: Title VI Survey
- Appendix O: Inquiries
Pedestrian Bridge Community Input Meeting
On August 24th, 2016 ADOT and Connect 202 Partners hosted a community meeting to present, discuss and obtain input on the proposed location of a pedestrian bridge, which will be constructed as part of the South Mountain Freeway project.
South Mountain Freeway Project Team Attends Open House Hosted by Elected Officials
On June 15, 2016 South Mountain Freeway Project Representatives were invited to attend an Open House sponsored by State Representative Jill Norgaard in collaboration with State Representative Bob Robson, State Senator Jeff Dial, and City of Phoenix Councilman Sal DiCiccio. Attendees were encouraged to visit the following stations:
- Preliminary Design Plans and Schedule
- Diverging Diamond Interchanges
- Preliminary Landscape and Aesthetics
- Noise Mitigation
- Right of Way Information
These stations provided an informal opportunity for attendees to obtain project information as well as provide input to Project Representatives.
Contract Documents
SMF-DBM Agreement Amended and Restated (w/change bars
SMF-DBMA Exhibits (Amended and Restated)
SMF-TP Attachments (Execution)