Adopt a Highway

Framing Arizona in the best light

Framing Arizona in the best light


Framing Arizona in the best light

Framing Arizona in the best light

By Caroline Carpenter
September 14, 2020

We’ve added something new for all our Adopt a Highway volunteers participating in National CleanUp Day. We’ve created a Facebook frame for you to add to your Facebook profile image! 

We encourage you to add it to your profile image on Sept. 19 to show others you’re helping to Keep Arizona Grand. View our Facebook frame

Need help figuring out how to add the image to your Facebook profile image? Here’s what to do.

To add a frame to your profile picture on a desktop computer:

  1. Go to
  2. Search “Adopt a Highway.” 
  3. Click “Use as Profile Picture” to save it.

To add a frame to your profile picture on a mobile device:

  1. Go to your Facebook app and tap on your profile picture.
  2. A menu will pop up, tap “Add Frame.”
  3. Search “Adopt a Highway.” 
  4. Tap on the Adopt a Highway frame and then click “Save.”

Please use the hashtag #NationalCleanUpDay and tag your photos with @ArizonaDOT on social media or email them to us

At this time we are asking all volunteers to respect guidelines for social distancing and follow all regulations of the jurisdiction where your cleanup is taking place. Keep groups to fewer than 10 people as recommended by the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wash your hands, especially after touching any frequently used item or surface. Avoid touching your face. 

Watch out for this Sasquatch along US 60

Watch out for this Sasquatch along US 60


Watch out for this Sasquatch along US 60

Watch out for this Sasquatch along US 60

By Laurie Merrill / ADOT Communications
September 8, 2020

This was a name that got us all wondering: Sasquatch.

Sasquatch? Isn’t that another name for Bigfoot, the mythical hairy man-like ape creature said to exist in the Pacific Northwest?

So when we heard that a highway mile had been named in reference to Bigfoot, we had to learn more.

To start with, yes, we have a mile of US 60 named Sasquatch! It’s east of Show Low from milepost 347 to 348. Linda Philbrook and friends clean it twice a year as part of ADOT’s Adopt a Highway program.

The official sign reads “Sasquatch Marc Philbrook, we love you.” The stretch is named after Linda’s husband, Marc Philbrook, who passed away in 2011.

“He looked like Sasquatch,” Linda said. “He was a great big guy with a great big beard and big head of hair.”

That's him in the photo to the right, so you can judge the resemblance for yourself.

The origin of nickname stretches back years, coming from a visit he made to White Mountain Radio, where Linda works. Marc walked in, and one of Linda’s colleagues took one look before saying, “Sasquatch.”

The name stuck. The family even owned a business for a while called “Sasquatch Mobile Auto.”  

Linda and her two children live in Vernon, about 10 miles away from Marc's sign. Originally from southern California, the family of four relocated to Arizona in 2003 after Marc fell in love with the Show Low area.

Linda said she got the idea to adopt a mile in her husband’s honor because she noticed the Adopt a Highway signs on her travels.

“I decided, let’s see what’s available. I knew the mile I wanted. I wanted the sign at the top of the hill on US 60 at milepost 348. The view is unbelievable,” she said. "It’s a really gorgeous part of US 60. It’s got really pretty mountain purple flowers. I know he’d love it.”

The Philbrooks aside, we in ADOT’s Communications Office may or may not be believers in the cryptid's existence, after having our own Sasquatch "encounter." That led to this headline-making photo we posted on Facebook in 2015.

Captured by one of our rural cameras, the image depicted a wintry scene with snow on the highway shoulder – along with some unusual blurry black shapes, as is traditional for all Bigfoot photos. So we asked “We might have spotted a family of Sasquatches on SR 260 near Heber this afternoon. What do you think?”

The post spread like wildfire and became a social media sensation. It was shared more than 4,800 times and generated nearly 2,000 comments. You can read more about it in a blog post we made at the time.

As for Linda, she and a core group of friends, the "Sasquatch Seven," honor Mark's memory by regularly cleaning his mile. In between times, Linda likes to dress up her sign seasonally. Come Halloween, you might see ghosts and monsters on it, for St. Patrick's day, green leprechauns and such, and so on for Christmas and the other holidays.

"I decorate it and take care of it," Linda said. "Everyone who drives by tells me they love it!"

To learn more about the Adopt a Highway program, please click here.

Register now to participate in National Cleanup Day!

Register now to participate in National Cleanup Day!


Register now to participate in National Cleanup Day!

Register now to participate in National Cleanup Day!

By Mary Currie / ADOT Communications
August 21, 2020

Register now! We welcome you to participate in the Adopt a Highway Volunteer Program statewide cleanup during National Cleanup Day on Saturday, Sept. 19. 

One-day permits will be granted across the state of Arizona on a first-come, first-served basis. We will do our best to find an adoptable highway segment near your desired location. Adopt a Highway Volunteer groups – this counts toward your annual cleanup requirement!

This year promises to be even a bigger success with your participation! Last year about 100 Adopt a Highway volunteers came out around the state to clean up adopted highway segments resulting in 1.3 tons of litter removed from along Arizona's highways.

Remember, all program volunteer groups and one-day permit groups must report litter bag totals to us within three days after the event. ADOT tracks litter data each year to share the accomplishments of 9,100 Adopt a Highway volunteers.  

At this time we are asking all volunteers to respect guidelines for social distancing and follow all regulations of the jurisdiction where your cleanup is taking place. Keep groups to fewer than 10 people as recommended by the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wash your hands, especially after touching any frequently used item or surface. Avoid touching your face. 

The Adopt a Highway team plans to visit as many volunteer groups around the state as logistics allow.  We will contact you prior to National Cleanup Day if your clean up segment is along our route!

We'd love to see and share your National Cleanup Day photos on social media. Please use the hashtag #NationalCleanUpDay and tag your photos with @ArizonaDOT. 

Thank you for considering ADOT for your National Cleanup Day participation as an opportunity to unite and reduce litter along our highways. If you would like more information about the program visit Adopt a Highway 

Arizona, Keep It Grand!

Join National CleanUp Day!

Join National CleanUp Day!


Join National CleanUp Day!

Join National CleanUp Day!

By Mary Currie / ADOT Communications
August 11, 2020

Welcome, volunteers! Whether you are an existing Adopt a Highway volunteer group or a collection of civic-minded folks wanting to participate with a one-day volunteer permit, we hope you’ll join us for National CleanUp Day!

National CleanUp Day is Saturday, Sept. 19. Only weeks away, this day is set aside for individuals and organizations to unite for the purpose of reducing litter in their communities.

Online registration is new this year! Adopt a Highway volunteer groups and other groups requesting a one-day permit will have the opportunity to register for the cleanup. A link to the registration form is coming soon. All groups are required to report litter totals within three days of the event. Last year, about 100 Adopt a Highway volunteer groups came out around the state to clean up their adopted highway segments. Thier combined effort collected more than 1.3 tons of litter from state highways.

At this time we are asking all volunteers to respect guidelines for social distancing and follow all regulations of the jurisdiction where your cleanup is taking place. Keep groups fewer than 10 people as recommended by the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wash your hands, especially after touching any frequently used item or surface. Avoid touching your face. 

The Adopt a Highway team plans to visit as many volunteer groups around the state as logistics allow. If your cleanup is along our route, you will receive advanced notification prior to National CleanUp Day.

We'd love to see and share your National CleanUp Day group photos on social media. Please use the hashtag #NationalCleanUpDay and tag your photos with @ArizonaDOT. Send us your group photos and include your sign in the background for possible use in an upcoming ADOT blog.

Thank you for considering National CleanUp Day on Saturday, Sept. 19 as an opportunity to help reduce litter along our highways.

Arizona, Keep It Grand!

Adopt a Highway: Decades of volunteerism in the White Mountains

Adopt a Highway: Decades of volunteerism in the White Mountains


Adopt a Highway: Decades of volunteerism in the White Mountains

Adopt a Highway: Decades of volunteerism in the White Mountains

By Caroline Carpenter / ADOT Communications
August 7, 2020

The Adopt a Highway program asks volunteers to commit to cleaning up a highway segment for at least two years. Several Adopt a Highway volunteer groups in Heber-Overgaard have gone well beyond that by helping keep their local highways pristine for nearly 20 years or more! We recently highlighted some of these long-term Adopt a Highway groups at an event in the White Mountains.

The following groups were recognized for their long-term commitment to the Adopt a Highway program.

  • Ponderosa Lions Club (30 years)
  • Heber-Overgaard Fire District (19 years)
  • NAPA Auto Part of Overgaard (17 years)

The Aug.1 event was organized by the Heber-Overgaard Chamber of Commerce, which also recently joined their ranks in the Adopt a Highway program. Volunteers from the four groups, along with other community members, turned out to pick up litter along state routes 260 and 277. They covered 12 miles and filled 80 trash bags in only two hours. 

Heber-Overgaard Fire District Chief William McCluskey said, "We’ve been here a long time and we’re going to continue to do that. It’s the heart of the community. All of these people provide their time and effort for free and come out as early at 6 a.m." 

Click below to hear from Heber-Overgaard Chamber of Commerce Board Member Tania Rush talk about why the chamber wanted to participate in the cleanup.


During the public health situation, volunteer groups are encouraged to continue their cleanups, but follow health guidelines from the Arizona Department of Health Services and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention by keeping groups to less than 10 people, social distancing and wearing masks.

If you'd like to adopt a highway, visit   

Volunteers help ‘Keep it Grand’ through Adopt a Highway

Volunteers help ‘Keep it Grand’ through Adopt a Highway

I-17 101 traffic interchange

Volunteers help ‘Keep it Grand’ through Adopt a Highway

Volunteers help ‘Keep it Grand’ through Adopt a Highway

August 6, 2020

PHOENIX – A lot has changed over the last few months, but there is still a need for volunteers to help keep our state looking its best. Last weekend about 50 volunteers in Heber-Overgaard cleaned portions of state routes 260 and 277 as part of the Arizona Department of Transportation’s Adopt a Highway program.

The Aug. 1 cleanup was initiated by the Heber-Overgaard Chamber of Commerce, which  recently adopted a 2-mile segment of SR 260. The chamber was joined by Heber-Overgaard Fire and EMS, the Ponderosa Lions Club, NAPA Auto Parts of Overgaard and other community members. Each of these Adopt a Highway groups cleaned their respective highway segments and covered a total of 12 miles during the two-hour event. 

Adopt a Highway volunteers help keep shoulders along state highways clean while saving taxpayers money. During the Aug. 1 event, volunteers gathered 80 bags of trash weighing 1,095 pounds. Chamber members say they adopted a stretch of SR 260 because they want Heber-Overgaard to put its best foot forward. 

“We have a large influx during the summertime of individuals who come up to visit and that’s really good for our economy,” said Heber-Overgaard Chamber of Commerce Board Member Tania Rush. “Having a nice clean area for people to enjoy and see makes a big difference with visitors.”

Volunteers say they take pride in their community and want the entrance to their town to be pristine. 

“We’ve been doing it for 19 years and it’s something our crews actually enjoy because it shows their dedication and appreciation for the community,” said Heber-Overgaard Fire District Chief William McCluskey.

Picking up litter along the highway is one volunteer opportunity that allows participants to properly social distance and follow COVID-related health recommendations. 

“The safety and health of Adopt a Highway volunteers is always a priority,” said Adopt a Highway Manager Mary Currie. “We encourage volunteers to keep groups to less than 10 people, social distance and wear masks. The generosity of volunteers to adopt just two miles and remove litter is a commitment that creates a significant increase in the beautification of our communities.”

Last year about 10,000 volunteers cleaned nearly 2,000 miles of shoulders along state highways as part of the Adopt a Highway program. This resulted in a $586,000 taxpayer savings and 16,000 bags of litter removed from Arizona highways. 

To learn more about adopting a highway and see available segments visit

Adopt a Highway mile honors a father, son and police officer

Adopt a Highway mile honors a father, son and police officer


Adopt a Highway mile honors a father, son and police officer

Adopt a Highway mile honors a father, son and police officer

By Caroline Carpenter / ADOT Communications
June 8, 2020

If you drive through the Hopi Reservation, you’ll notice an Adopt a Highway sign that reads “BC One of a Kind” about 11 miles south of Second Mesa. It honors Branyon Rebeau Claw Sr., the oldest son of Madeline Sahneyah, also known as “BC.”

While BC was a son to Madeline. He was also a father to Jenna and Branyon Jr., pictured below. Nearly two decades ago, BC died in a vehicle crash. His family has spent the past 15 years cleaning milepost 395-396 along State Route 87 to remember their beloved son and father. Each year, between two and 15 family members and friends gather early in the morning to pick up litter. After the cleanup is done, they all return to breakfast at BC’s grandmother’s home.

Madeline said, “Every time the highway is cleaned, BC is remembered as one who respected all living things. Everyone remembers his smile which reflected the kindness of his soul.”

Besides being a son and father, BC served as a Bureau of Indian Affairs police officer. While BC died in an off-duty collision, the adopted highway segment was selected by BC’s fellow police officers. It was an area where they often held roadblocks.

BC’s family believes his spirit is at peace knowing people remember him each time they travel on his segment of SR 87.

If you would like to honor your father through an Adopt a Highway mile, please visit the Adopt a Highway website

Adopt a Highway: Arizona Rangers Show Low company has a rich history of community service

Adopt a Highway: Arizona Rangers Show Low company has a rich history of community service


Adopt a Highway: Arizona Rangers Show Low company has a rich history of community service

Adopt a Highway: Arizona Rangers Show Low company has a rich history of community service

By Mary Currie / ADOT Communications
May 19, 2020

A prominent location in need of attention drew the Arizona Rangers to adopt the first mile of State Route 77 leading north out of Show Low.

“Our highway segment is on the way to the Lone Pine Dam refuse transfer station and was in desperate need of a cleanup. This portion of SR 77 connects the Show Low and Pinetop-Lakeside area to Taylor, Snowflake and eventually Holbrook. We hoped having our sign on this well-traveled road would give us some additional public exposure because not a lot of Arizonans know who we are,” said Ranger Bob Coleman.

The Arizona Rangers are a unique volunteer law enforcement auxiliary consisting of approximately 500 men and women dispersed around the state and divided into 20 separate companies. The Arizona Rangers Show Low Company has about 22 members serving the area of Navajo County along the Mogollon Rim.

“We discussed ways to give more to the Show Low community and get better exposure at the same time, so we decided to look into the Adopt a Highway program,” said Coleman.

Coleman hails from Casa Grande and spent four years stationed in Mt. Home, Idaho, while in the United States Air Force. After retirement he worked at a facility for adjudicated juveniles, where they adopted a highway. This positive experience followed him back home to Arizona where he registered the Arizona Rangers Show Low Company with ADOT’s Adopt a Highway Volunteer program on Dec. 12, 2018.

Coleman, who serves as the group volunteer coordinator, remembers his Idaho days fondly. “It was a very positive experience for all involved and I’m sure it will be for our Ranger company also.” 

When the rangers are not cleaning up litter along SR 77 at milepost 343, they are providing assistance to law enforcement agencies and civic organizations. From volunteer guard service and securing crime scenes, to Secret Santa and scholarships, its volunteers serve in a big way. Last year, in spite of busy schedules, about 12 rangers achieved three litter cleanups. 

“The winters on the mountain can be pretty severe at times,” Coleman said. “We are usually limited to April through September to do our pickups.” Summer is a busy time for the company and in spite of planning there are always some conflicts. “Even though we’re busy, we pull together as a team and have really bonded with our stretch of highway.” 

“The pride we feel when completing the litter pickup is something that is hard to explain to others. When you’re out there sweating and your joints and back start to ache, people driving by will honk their horn in appreciation and it helps ease the pain a little bit. Doing something where there is a clear start and finish with litter bags lining the highway once the job is done, is something any organization would take a lot of pride in seeing.”

With that, Ranger Coleman tossed out a challenge for others: “Are you looking for something to help build your team in an environment outside of your normal work environment?  This is an awesome opportunity to bond together and feel like you have given back to your community in a way that is easy to see the physical results.” 

We appreciate Ranger Coleman and all Show Low Ranger Company volunteers for outstanding volunteer service to the community and the state of Arizona. The Rangers are helping ADOT Keep it Grand. Visit the ADOT Adopt a Highway website to learn more about the program. 

ADOT Kids Activity: A new Keep It Grand coloring challenge!

ADOT Kids Activity: A new Keep It Grand coloring challenge!


ADOT Kids Activity: A new Keep It Grand coloring challenge!

ADOT Kids Activity: A new Keep It Grand coloring challenge!

May 13, 2020

EDITOR'S NOTE: During this unprecedented time, ADOT is creating transportation activities for kids. Please visit or use the hashtag #ADOTKids on ADOT's Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts to see what we have going on. (This blog originally appeared in 2020)

By Mary Currie / ADOT Communications

We loved the chalk art you created a couple of weeks ago encouraging others to Keep It Grand by not littering. I hope you were able to catch my video where we answered your questions about the most common type of litter picked up and how much trash we collect. That video also features your artwork and we've added it to a Flickr album too! 

This week we have a coloring page where you can color in the Keep It Grand logo or add your design to the Adopt a Highway kids. Click on the image at right to get a version you can print.

Once you're done, don't forget to email your coloring to [email protected] by Wednesday, May 20, 2020. We'll again feature it on our website and we may share it on Twitter or Facebook! If you have a parent post your artwork on social media, make sure they use the hashtag #ADOTKids so we'll see it. 

On Friday, May 22, we'll share all of your art and also send those of you who participated a stormwater activity book and an Adopt a Highway lapel pin.

You may be wondering why we encourage everyone to avoid tossing trash out their car window. We have some statistics that will help you understand that trash is a problem we need to deal with.

  • Each year 51.2 billion pieces of litter are left on roadways in the United States. That's more than 6,700 pieces of trash per mile! 
  • Last year, Arizona Adopt a Highway volunteers picked up 16,000 bags of litter.
  • Volunteers helping pick up trash along state highways saved taxpayers $580,000 in 2019.

While we have more than 1,100 volunteer groups cleaning up nearly 2,000 miles of state highway, there is more work to do. If you or your family is interested in adopting a mile, please visit our Adopt a Highway webpage. It's easy to adopt and you can even get your name on a highway sign! 

Adopt a Highway: Overgaard Ponderosa Lions Club ‘Keep It Grand’

Adopt a Highway: Overgaard Ponderosa Lions Club ‘Keep It Grand’


Adopt a Highway: Overgaard Ponderosa Lions Club ‘Keep It Grand’

Adopt a Highway: Overgaard Ponderosa Lions Club ‘Keep It Grand’

By Mary Currie / ADOT Communications
May 5, 2020

Lions Clubs throughout the world have a motto: “We Serve.” And the Overgaard Ponderosa Lions Club has a rich history of doing just that. 

Doug Harris, Arizona Lions district governor and Adopt a Highway Volunteer program coordinator, told me the club has maintained State Route 277 between mileposts 306-308 for more than 15 years. Their continued participation in the program and litter removal efforts help beautify this unincorporated town, a popular respite from the Valley’s summer heat. 

This year, the Lions and the Heber-Overgaard Chamber of Commerce tried to coordinate a specific single date as Town Beautification Day with local church volunteers assisting. This was a planned community event that would include a prize that many would love: biscuits and gravy. 

Unfortunately, recent adjustments to social gathering practices during the public health situation put this gathering, like many, on hold until further notice. 

Typically, nine to 15 Lions Club members participate in litter pickups. Harris told me that among the items they’ve found was paper currency while collecting aluminum cans. The most unusual and concerning item found was a wheel still attached to a half-axle that appeared to have come off of a homemade trailer.

While the public health situation put a snag in holding the community event, the Lions remain busy supporting those in need through the many Lions Club programs. Those programs include sight conservation, hearing and speech conservation, diabetes awareness, youth outreach, international relations and environmental issues. 

The Adopt a Highway Volunteer program thanks the dedicated force of Lions who selflessly care for their adopted segment of SR 277, helping ADOT to Keep It Grand

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please visit the Adopt a Highway website. Our map shows which highway segments are available for adoption.