US 93

ADOT starts US 93 widening project north of Wikieup

ADOT starts US 93 widening project north of Wikieup

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT starts US 93 widening project north of Wikieup

ADOT starts US 93 widening project north of Wikieup

January 30, 2025

Advances goal of four-lane divided highway between Phoenix area and Nevada

PHOENIX – The Arizona Department of Transportation is starting its latest project to divide US 93 into a four-lane highway between Phoenix and Nevada, this time by widening 4 miles between Wikieup and Interstate 40.

The $80.6 million project will improve the two-lane undivided highway between mileposts 106-110. Construction is expected to last into 2027, with limited impact on motorists as most work activity will occur off of US 93. Crews will be active in the area during the next several weeks, clearing space for a work zone and mobilizing equipment.

The project, which is 13 miles north of Wikieup, also includes: 

  • Constructing two new bridges over Cane Springs Wash and removing the existing bridge at milepost 109.
  • Improving and/or installing drainage and sediment-control facilities, including culverts, pipes and ditches. 
  • Reconstructing the intersection turnout at Upper Trout Creek Road.

Other projects are on the way for US 93 as part of ADOT’s long-term vision of providing four-lane divided highway all the way between Wickenburg and Hoover Dam: 

  • A recent $26 million federal grant will allow ADOT to extend the length of an already planned widening project by 1.27 miles between Wickenburg Ranch Way and just northwest of State Route 89, creating another 4.5 miles of four-lane divided highway. This segment of US 93 will connect with a project completed in late 2024 that widened 5 miles of US 93 in Wickenburg.
  • Construction is underway on a $106 million project creating a free-flowing interchange connecting US 93 and Interstate 40 in Kingman. The goal is eliminating delays that can occur there for passenger and truck traffic on the main route between Las Vegas and Arizona.
  • In fiscal years 2027 and 2028, ADOT plans a widening project between mileposts 161.7-166.2 in the area of Big Jim Wash.
  • Another project scheduled to start in 2026 calls for adding passing lanes to US 93 between mileposts 171.5-173 and 175.5-177 in fiscal year 2026.

For more information on completed and planned US 93 corridor projects, please visit For information on all projects underway and planned in northwestern Arizona, please visit For more information on the US 93 Cane Springs project and to subscribe for updates, please visit

I-40/US 93 interchange starts taking shape in Kingman

I-40/US 93 interchange starts taking shape in Kingman

I-17 101 traffic interchange

I-40/US 93 interchange starts taking shape in Kingman

I-40/US 93 interchange starts taking shape in Kingman

December 12, 2024

Earthwork, bridge foundations underway for new free-flowing traffic connection

KINGMAN – A project to construct a free-flowing interchange between Interstate 40 and US 93 is quickly transforming the landscape along I-40 in this northwest Arizona community, with crews clearing land for new travel lanes, removing sound walls and preparing the foundations for new bridges.

This progress comes six months into the Arizona Department of Transportation’s $106 million project to eliminate delays that can occur for passenger and truck traffic on the main route between Las Vegas and Arizona. Instead of traffic stopping for a traffic signal on Beale Street at I-40, a mile of new ramps will allow traffic to flow freely between I-40 and US 93.

Some of the most visible progress on the I-40/US 93 interchange project is along a golf course west of Stockton Hill Road, where crews have leveled a slope to allow for new travel lanes. Further west, crews have drilled eight shafts needed to widen the existing Clack Canyon Road bridges. And the site of a new Beale Street overpass has been excavated, with a concrete foundation now in place.

As construction continues, the public can expect daytime and nighttime work, rock crushing operations in the work area and short closures of US 93 for rock blasting. ADOT is maintaining two lanes of travel in each direction during peak travel times, with lane restrictions limited to off-peak hours. Drivers are able to continue exiting both US 93 and I-40 at Beale Street to access businesses, Route 66 and downtown Kingman.

Construction is expected to continue into 2027, when the interchange will open with 6 miles of widened or newly constructed roadway. The project includes five new bridges, two bridge widenings, four bridge rehabilitations and two miles of sound walls. 

The project is creating a mile of new highway carrying traffic northwest of the existing interchange at I-40 and Beale Street. Other features include:

  • Widening more than a mile of I-40 in both directions between the new interchange and Stockton Hill Road

  • Adding a merge lane on US 93 northbound

  • Widening and/or rehabilitating four bridges on I-40

  • Building sound walls along a portion of I-40 to the west of Stockton Hill Road

  • Constructing drainage features

The interchange is designed to handle projected traffic growth for the next 25 years. 

For more information on the Kingman interchange project and to subscribe for updates, please visit webpage includes a flyover video simulation of what the interchange will look like.

ADOT completes project widening 5 miles of US 93 in Wickenburg

ADOT completes project widening 5 miles of US 93 in Wickenburg

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT completes project widening 5 miles of US 93 in Wickenburg

ADOT completes project widening 5 miles of US 93 in Wickenburg

November 21, 2024

Advances agency’s goal of four-lane, divided highway between Valley, Nevada

PHOENIX – The Arizona Department of Transportation has transformed 5 miles of
US 93 from two lanes to four-lane divided highway in Wickenburg.

The $55 million project between Tegner Street and Wickenburg Ranch Way (mileposts 194-199) is part of ADOT’s long-term vision to transform the entire 200-mile section of US 93 from Wickenburg to the Hoover Dam bypass into a modern four-lane divided highway. Improvements also include roundabouts at Rincon, Cope, Vulture Mine and Scenic Loop roads, new pavement, lighting, drainage systems, erosion control and landscaping.

Crews will complete final lane-striping in the coming weeks. Additional information on this project is available at

More is on the way for US 93:

  • A recent $26 million federal grant will allow ADOT to extend the length of an already planned widening project by 1.27 miles between Wickenburg Ranch Way and just northwest of State Route 89, creating another 4.5 miles of four-lane divided highway. This segment of US 93 will connect with the current project at Wickenburg Ranch Way.
  • Construction is underway on a $106 million project creating a free-flowing interchange connecting US 93 and Interstate 40 in Kingman. The goal is eliminating delays that can occur there for passenger and truck traffic on the main route between Las Vegas and Arizona.
  • ADOT’s Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program for 2025-2029 has two additional projects programmed to convert US 93 to four-lane divided highway. A $48.8 million project 106-109.5 in the Cane Springs area, between I-40 and Wikieup, is set to begin next year. In fiscal years 2027 and 2028, ADOT plans a widening project between mileposts 161.7-166.2 in the area of Big Jim Wash.
  • Another project scheduled to start in 2026 calls for adding passing lanes to US 93 between mileposts 171.5-173 and 175.5-177 in fiscal year 2026.

For more information on completed and planned US 93 corridor projects, please visit For information on all projects underway and planned in northwestern Arizona, please visit please visit

The story behind the Chloride murals

The story behind the Chloride murals

The story behind the Chloride murals

The story behind the Chloride murals

By Julian Lopez / ADOT Communications
November 15, 2024
A mural in Chloride

Traveling north on US 93 past Kingman is an old mining town called Chloride.

At one point in the town's history, there were over 75 working mines. Today, the number is unknown and they are either privately owned or controlled by the federal government. 

These days, Chloride is popular for a tourist destination four miles off the highway: murals.

An artist named Roy Purcell began painting the now-famous “Purcell Murals” in 1966. The vibrantly-colored murals stretch across several boulders and included depictions of the Tennessee Mine, a productive zinc, gold and lead mine, and other popular images.

Purcell named these murals, “The Journey: Images From an Inward Search for Self” and some of the murals have spiritual meanings. The set of murals cover more than  2,000 square feet.

In addition to Purcell’s paintings, stone carvings and art from other artists can be seen in nearby areas.

Purcell retouched the color of the murals in 1975 and then repainted them again in 2006 when he and 10 other artists restored 19 murals.

Purcell is recognized throughout the Southwest as his artwork can be found in collections of  major international corporations Dow Chemical and The Royal Bank of Canada.

To reach the murals, exit US 93 and travel east toward Chloride. The murals are about 1.5 miles east of town and you’ll travel by car or foot on a dirt road that isn’t maintained by ADOT. Make sure your vehicle – high-clearance and four-wheel or all-wheel drive would be best – can handle this road before driving down the dirt road. 

A mural in Chloride

ADOT’s efforts to improve US 93 get $26 million boost

ADOT’s efforts to improve US 93 get $26 million boost

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT’s efforts to improve US 93 get $26 million boost

ADOT’s efforts to improve US 93 get $26 million boost

October 23, 2024

INFRA grant will help expand divided highway near Wickenburg by 1.27 miles

WICKENBURG – A $26 million federal grant will advance the Arizona Department of Transportation’s plans to upgrade US 93 to a four-lane divided highway northwest of Wickenburg. 

The U.S. Department of Transportation Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant will allow ADOT to extend the length of an already planned widening project by 1.27 miles between Wickenburg Ranch Way and just northwest of State Route 89, creating around 4.5 miles of four-lane divided highway. This stretch will connect with several miles currently being widened within Wickenburg. 

ADOT coordinated on the competitive grant application with the Town of Wickenburg, which is listed as the recipient. 

“Having US 93 divided all the way between Wickenburg and State Route 89 will enhance both safety and mobility in the area,” ADOT Director Jennifer Toth said. “We are grateful to the U.S. Department of Transportation and our partners in Wickenburg for helping advance this high-priority work on a key link between the Valley and Las Vegas.”

ADOT has dedicated nearly half a billion dollars to widening and improving US 93 in this region over the last several years. The long-term vision is to transform all of this highly traveled route into a four-lane divided highway. 

The agency has $46.5 million currently programmed for construction in fiscal year 2028 to divide US 93 between mileposts 190 and 193.5 for the Vista Royale project. The $26 million grant will go toward an additional 1.27 miles extending to the southeast. Project development is currently underway and will continue. The grant-funded project will connect with a stretch currently being widened between mileposts 194 and 199, further southeast. 

In addition to widening the highway from two to four lanes, this larger project will feature:

  • A roundabout at the intersection of US 93 and State Route 89
  • Broadband conduit
  • 8-foot shoulders
  • A new bridge at the BNSF Railway tracks with a pedestrian walkway
  • Dedicated right-turn and left-turn lanes

For more information on current and planned ADOT projects in northwestern Arizona, please visit


Contract awarded for I-40/US 93 interchange project in Kingman

Contract awarded for I-40/US 93 interchange project in Kingman

I-17 101 traffic interchange

Contract awarded for I-40/US 93 interchange project in Kingman

Contract awarded for I-40/US 93 interchange project in Kingman

March 15, 2024

Construction starts this summer on free-flowing connection

KINGMAN – The State Transportation Board has awarded a $106 million construction project to build a free-flowing traffic interchange for Interstate 40 and US 93 in Kingman.

With the contract awarded to Fisher Sand & Gravel Co. during the board’s meeting on Friday, March 15, construction is expected to begin this summer and take two and a half years.

The interchange in west Kingman is designed to reduce congestion on the highly traveled route between Phoenix and Las Vegas while improving safety, travel times and reliability. While vehicles now must stop at a traffic signal where Beale Street intersects with I-40, the system-to-system interchange will feature ramps that allow traffic to flow freely.

The interchange is designed to handle projected traffic growth for the next 25 years. 

For more information, please visit

US 93 bridge improvement project completed south of Wikieup

US 93 bridge improvement project completed south of Wikieup

I-17 101 traffic interchange

US 93 bridge improvement project completed south of Wikieup

US 93 bridge improvement project completed south of Wikieup

February 13, 2024

Project replaced pavement surface on two bridges

WIKIEUP – The Arizona Department of Transportation has completed a project to improve the pavement surface and flood protection capabilities of two bridges on US 93 south of Wikieup.

The $1.8 million project involved work on the Sycamore Creek bridge at milepost 128 and the Gray Wash bridge, both of which carry traffic on northbound US 93.

The project included:

  • Removing the top layer of pavement from the bridge decks and replacing it with a new concrete overlay
  • New pavement markings and other related work
  • Scour protections, which included removing sand and gravel that had built up around bridge abutments and piers

To learn about ADOT projects in your area and to subscribe for updates, please visit

I-40/US 93 Kingman interchange project set to begin in the new year

I-40/US 93 Kingman interchange project set to begin in the new year

I-17 101 traffic interchange

I-40/US 93 Kingman interchange project set to begin in the new year

I-40/US 93 Kingman interchange project set to begin in the new year

December 28, 2023

It’s one of many 2024 improvements planned for northern Arizona

KINGMAN – The new year will be an exciting one for drivers who use US 93 between the Phoenix area and Kingman as the Arizona Department of Transportation advances one major project to increase capacity and starts another.

A current US 93 widening project near Wickenburg is at 50% completion. And by summer, one of the largest US 93 improvement projects in recent years will kick off in west Kingman as work starts to construct an interchange that will provide a free-flowing connection between US 93 and Interstate 40.

These US 93 projects are among many projects ADOT plans to start, continue or complete across northern Arizona in 2024.

The Kingman interchange is planned to eliminate delays that can occur for passenger and truck traffic on the main route between Las Vegas and Arizona. While traffic now must stop at a traffic signal where Beale Street intersects with I-40, a system-to-system interchange features ramps that allow traffic to flow freely.

This interchange, expected to open in 2026, is designed to handle projected traffic growth for the next 25 years. For more information on the Kingman interchange project, please visit

The current US 93 project near Wickenburg is now halfway done as work continues to transform a 5-mile section of two-lane roadway into a four-lane divided highway. Work on the Wickenburg-area project is expected to continue through 2024, with lane restrictions limited to overnight hours to minimize traffic impacts. More information is available at

Since 1999, ADOT has completed 19 projects to modernize US 93 between Wickenburg and I-40. ADOT's long-term vision calls for four-lane divided highway through the entire 200 miles between Wickenburg and Nevada. 

More projects are scheduled to be under construction on US 93 over the next several years as ADOT continues working on turning its vision into reality.

ADOT’s Five-Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program for 2024-2028 has these additional projects scheduled to convert US 93 to four-lane divided highway:

  • Fiscal 2024: Mileposts the Cane Springs area
  • Fiscal 2026: Mileposts 190.5-193.5 in the Vista Royale area northwest of Wickenburg
  • Fiscal 2027: Mileposts 161.7-166.2 in the area of Big Jim Wash

Another project scheduled to start in 2026 calls for adding passing lanes to US 93 between mileposts 171.5-173 and 175.5-177.

In addition to US 93, ADOT is planning to begin, continue or complete several major projects improving travel to, from and within northern Arizona in 2024, including:

  • Continuing work to rehabilitate pavement and bridges on a 29-mile stretch of southbound I-17 between Flagstaff and the Coconino County line. Work on this heavily traveled highway began in spring 2022 and will continue through fall 2024. For more information, please visit
  • Beginning work next summer to widen 1 mile of SR 69 in Prescott. ADOT, working with the Central Yavapai Metropolitan Planning Organization, will add a third lane of travel in each direction of the highway between Prescott Lakes Parkway and Yavpe Connector with a raised center median. The project, which will improve safety and increase roadway capacity, will be complete by mid-2024. For more information please visit
  • Continuing the $56 million Interstate 15 Bridge No. 1 replacement project near Littlefield in northwestern Arizona, with completion scheduled by spring 2024. The challenging project in the Virgin River Gorge provides a safer I-15 bridge operating with two lanes in each direction. Work began in February 2021. For more information, please visit
  • Beginning work to replace the Queen Creek and Waterfall Canyon bridges on US 60 just east of Superior. The project, similar to a nearby project that replaced the Pinto Creek Bridge, will require a series of daytime highway closures for rock blasting operations. The project will begin in early 2024 and is scheduled to take three years. For more information, please visit
  • Completing two paving projects on SR 95 totalling 49 miles, covering a 23-mile section between I-40 and SR 28 and a 26-mile segment between I-40 and Lake Havasu City. Work began in 2023 on both projects and is expected to be completed in early 2024. 
  • Beginning work to rehabilitate the SR 87 Coyote Wash bridge about 25 miles north of Winslow, at milepost 375.
  • Continuing a major I-17 improvement project north of the Phoenix area to improve safety and efficiency on 23 miles of one of Arizona’s busiest corridors. The work includes 8 miles of flex lanes that can carry traffic northbound or southbound, depending on which direction is carrying the most traffic at any given time, between Black Canyon City and Sunset Point. Also, ADOT is constructing a third traffic lane on 15 miles of I-17 between Anthem and Black Canyon City. The project is expected to be complete in 2025. For more information, please visit

For more information on other improvement projects statewide, please visit


ADOT begins US 93 widening project near Wickenburg

ADOT begins US 93 widening project near Wickenburg

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT begins US 93 widening project near Wickenburg

ADOT begins US 93 widening project near Wickenburg

March 23, 2023

Five-mile segment to become four-lane divided highway

The Arizona Department of Transportation has begun a project near Wickenburg to transform another 5 miles of US 93 from two lanes to four-lane divided highway.

The work is part of ADOT’s long-term vision to transform the entire 200-mile section of US 93 from Wickenburg to the Hoover Dam bypass into a modern four-lane divided highway. In the past several years, ADOT has invested nearly $500 million in projects that have widened and improved US 93.

The $51 million project getting underway near Wickenburg will upgrade US 93 between Tegner Street and Wickenburg Ranch Way. Construction is expected to continue for about two years and includes:

  • Raised center medians
  • Frontage roads
  • Roundabouts at Rincon, Cope, Vulture Mine and Scenic Loop roads
  • Lighting, drainage systems, erosion control and landscaping

The project is between mileposts 194 and 199. About 70 percent of this stretch is in Yavapai County and 30 percent is in Maricopa County. 

In the initial phase of the project, motorists should expect temporary lane closures and other restrictions from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday evenings through Friday mornings. No restrictions will be scheduled during the day, weekends or holidays. 

For more information about the project, please visit

Map of US 93 improvements near Wickenburg

ADOT seeking federal grant for the West Kingman Traffic Interchange

ADOT seeking federal grant for the West Kingman Traffic Interchange

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT seeking federal grant for the West Kingman Traffic Interchange

ADOT seeking federal grant for the West Kingman Traffic Interchange

August 16, 2022

KINGMAN – The Arizona Department of Transportation has submitted an application for a federal bridge grant that, if awarded, would allocate nearly $73 million toward the construction of the planned West Kingman Traffic Interchange that will provide a free-flowing connection between US 93 and Interstate 40.

If the grant is awarded, those funds would be added to state-matching funds and other federal funds to cover the estimated $160.7 million cost of construction. The grant is funded under the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bridge Investment Program and would cover the bridge improvement portion of the new interchange.

The West Kingman Traffic Interchange, planned for construction in 2024, is a critical component of the highly traveled route between Phoenix and Las Vegas. The I-40 and US 93 area has regional and national economic significance due to the amount of goods that pass through the area.

The traffic interchange will improve safety, reduce travel times, and improve reliability for people and freight moving between the fast-growing metropolitan areas of Phoenix and Las Vegas by establishing a seamless freeway connection.

US 93 between Wickenburg and Kingman is designated as the future Interstate 11. The West Kingman Traffic Interchange will play a critical role in laying the foundation for this future interstate that would connect Phoenix and Las Vegas. With the grant, ADOT will be able to move funds to address other transportation needs while ensuring the construction of the much-needed West Kingman Traffic Interchange goes forward as planned.

For more information, visit and