Before you drive your kids to school tomorrow, why not consider a different way to get them to class in the morning? Maybe walking or riding a bike to school might be a good option? Not only would your children be getting some extra exercise, but they’d be joining students across the world, who will be participating in International Walk to School Day!
We don’t normally talk about ourselves – the ADOT Communications Team – on this blog. We like it that way … but today we’re so excited that we’ve just got to tell you about a few honors our team received yesterday.
Public involvement truly helps shape ADOT projects … just ask residents living near the San Pedro River Bridge
If you’re in the market for a new license plate we’ve got some good news for you – two new options are now available to consider!
A new opportunity to voice your opinion… ADOT is again calling on the public to provide input. We want to know what you think of the seven alternatives that have been selected for further study.
Winter is coming… Maybe that’s hard to believe if you live in hotter regions of the state, but residents up north already are starting to experience chillier temperatures.
ADOT snowplow drivers and support staff already are preparing for the icy, cold months ahead… And, yes, ADOT has snowplow drivers – the state isn’t all desert! Arizona winters always bring plenty of storms to keep our crews busy … remember this doozy from March?
You already know that ADOT works alongside other emergency response agencies to clear the road after a major incident. However, we have never really touched on the important role ADOT’s HAZMAT specialists play in making the road safe again for drivers.
Driven the Loop 303 lately? If you have, you know things are looking very different than they did about a year ago.
ADOT’s Research Center recently published an interesting new report that takes a closer look at the relationships among land use, transportation and gridlock.
"Scary" traffic conditions can occur during Halloween afternoon rush hour. That's why drivers are advised to plan for extra travel time after work today due to the heavier traffic conditions that can occur on this holiday.
If you read this blog post last month, you already know that ADOT is making a call to the public for input on the Passenger Rail Corridor Study.
We love using this blog to connect with you. We also love our Facebook page and just wanted to make sure you know about it.
Successfully transplanting a cactus from one spot to another takes more than just a green thumb…
Sometimes seemingly minor road upgrades lead to big-time improvements for drivers … Take the Swift Trail project in Graham County, for example. Crews currently are wrapping up work on the project that sits along SR 366
From the way we build roads, to the cost of materials and even the number of cars driving on the street – it’s safe to say things have changed since 1912 when the Arizona Highway Department was first established.
It’s that time of year again. Temperatures are dropping across the state and some areas have already seen snow.
As you can see in the video above, applying for and receiving a Class C permit from ADOT isn’t just a formality – it’s a critical step that helps ensure safety on the state’s roads.
Winter isn’t officially here yet, but Arizona has already received some snowy weather this month. Don’t worry … the season’s early start hasn’t caught ADOT off guard.
If it’s been a while since you studied up on the Arizona driver license manual, you might not recall that it is against the law to drive through a gore area ... or that it's three points against your license if you violate this traffic rule.