Structure Detail Drawings

Structure Detail Drawings

Bridge Group Structure Detail drawings are intended to supplement contract structure drawings for bridges and appurtenant highway structures. These drawings standardize the details for construction of recurring features used in Arizona highway structures.

The Structure Detail format was developed to meet these goals:

  • Make it easier for contractors and contract administrators to read and have access to the information.
  • Facilitate updating and enhancement of the standards electronically so as to be current for each project advertisement.
  • Facilitate communication of the most current information regarding the standards to inhouse, consultant and outside agency users.
  • Conserve natural resources in the printing, distribution and maintenance of printed documents.
  • Prepare for the upcoming total management of contract documents by electronic media, including all drawings, specifications, cost estimates, bid advertisement and as-built records.

Structure Detail (SD) drawings, selected/ referenced for the project, shall be listed in the contract drawings index list. The SD drawings that are included in the contract shall be downloaded for the Project Record Drawings Set for construction (Field Redline Plans).

The contents within the inner border line shall not be altered. The project identification boxes within the outer border line are to be completed by the user. The Structure Detail drawings shall be used in conjunction with contract structural drawings prepared by a licensed professional engineer. Their use for specific application with other civil contract drawings shall also be under the direction of a licensed professional engineer.


ADOT Standard Drawings

Name PDF MicroStation Effective
1D - Structure Detail Drawings 1D.pdf 1D.dgn November 2024