Traffic (Engineering)
Traffic (Engineering)
The ADOT Traffic Engineering Guidelines and Processes (TGP) provide design and operational guidance and information on signing, markings, signals, and other items.
The Manual of Approved Signs (MOAS) contains layouts and design details for standard regulatory, warning, guide, and marker signs for use on State highways in Arizona.
The Signing and Marking Standard (SMS) Drawings provide technical details and layouts for sign panels, sign posts, striping and pavement markers, delineators, object markers, and other commonly-used items.
The Signals and Lighting Standard (SLS) Drawings provide technical details and layouts for traffic signal and lighting poles, signal faces, cabinets, hardware, and other commonly-used items.
Includes the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Arizona Supplement to the MUTCD, ADOT guidelines on temporary and work zone traffic control, school safety guidelines, and other useful references.
Information on index sheets, plan sheet notes, CADD files, cell libraries and line styles, and other CADD-related references.
Traffic engineering applies engineering principles that help solve transportation problems by considering the psychology and habits of the transportation system users.