Countermeasures are the standard alternatives used to ensure pedestrian safety. Different countermeasures are appropriate or required for each road configuration and the decision trees provided in this site provide guidance as to which countermeasures are needed in your particular situation.
Countermeasures may include:
- Crosswalk Visibility Enhancements
- High-Visibility Crosswalk Markings
- Improved Nighttime Lighting
- Parking Restrictions on Crosswalk Approach
- Pedestrian Crosswalk Warning Sign
- Advance Yield Here To (Stop Here for) Pedestrian Sign and Yield (Stop) Line
- In-street Pedestrian Crossing Sign
- Curb Extension
- Leading Pedestrian Interval
- Raised Crosswalk
- Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB)
- Pedestrian Refuge Island
- Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB)
- Road Diet
Multiple countermeasures may be implemented at once to enhance the visibility of the crosswalk.