Two Lanes (1 lane each direction), Vehicle AADT < 9,000 | Posted Speed Limit <= 30 MPH

Two Lanes (1 lane each direction), Vehicle AADT < 9,000 | Posted Speed Limit <= 30 MPH

In the table below, click on any countermeasure for more info and links to tech sheets, standard drawings, policies, and example project drawings and photos.


Countermeasure SAFETY ISSUE
Conflicts at Crossing Locations Excessive Vehicle Speed Inadequate Consipcuity/Visibility Drivers not Yielding to Pedestrians Insufficient Separation from Traffic
Crosswalk Visibility Enhancement * Always   Always Always  
Raised Crosswalk Also Also Also Also  
Advance Yield          
In-Street Pedestrian Sign Also Also Also Also  
Curb Extension Also Also Also   Also
Pedestrian Refuge Island Also Also Also   Also
Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB)          
Road Diet          
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB)          

Green = Signifies that the countermeasure should always be considered, but not mandated or required, based upon engineering judgment at a marked uncontrolled crossing location.

Yellow = Signifies that the countermeasure is also a candidate treatment at a marked uncontrolled crossing location.

* = Crosswalk visibility enhancements should always occur when any other countermeasure is implemented.