Grand-35 Study
Grand-35 Study
US 60 (Grand Avenue), 35th Avenue and Indian School Road Intersection Improvements
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has released the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Design Concept Report (DCR) for the Grand-35 study, which identifies ADOT’s recommended project to reconstruct the intersection of US 60 (Grand Avenue), 35th Avenue and Indian School Road. Issuance of the EA, along with a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), allows ADOT to move forward with project design, right-of-way acquisition and construction.
The project is being conducted in coordination with the city of Phoenix and Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG). Construction is expected to begin in summer 2026.
ADOT prepared the Final EA in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, which requires agencies to evaluate, disclose and identify mitigation for various environmental impacts of a proposed project receiving federal funding before determining whether to proceed with the project. The FONSI represents ADOT’s final decision on the project.
The final documents include and address public comments received during the public comment period for the draft EA and DCR, which was released in October 2023 and included an in-person public hearing.
To review the final Environmental Assessment, click on the links below to the document sections:
Appendix A |
Public Comments and Responses |
Appendix B |
Public Hearing Documentation |
Appendix C |
Air Quality Final Report |
Appendix D |
Volume 1, Environmental Justice Technical Memorandum |
Appendix D |
Volume 2, Grand-35 Project Mitigation Plan |
Appendix E |
Agency Coordination |
Appendix F |
Section 4(f) De Minimis Form |
Appendix G | Right-of-Way Acquisition Table |
To review the final Design Concept Report click on the link below:
Project improvements include:
- Raising 35th Avenue to create a new elevated intersection with Indian School Road above Grand Avenue.
- Shifting 35th Avenue to the west.
- Shifting Indian School Road to the north.
- Constructing new bridges for 35th Avenue and Indian School Road over the BNSF railroad and Grand Avenue.
- Keeping Grand Avenue at-grade and removing the existing intersection and traffic signal.
- Extending Glenrosa Avenue to the west to create a new intersection with Grand Avenue and providing a connection between 35th Avenue and Grand Avenue.
- Removing the existing intersection at 33rd Drive and Indian School Road.
- Extending 33rd Avenue north of Indian School Road where a new east-west roadway would connect 33rd Drive to 33rd Avenue.
- Constructing a cul-de-sac on 37th Avenue north of Grand Avenue.
- Adding a turn lane at the Grand Avenue/33rd Avenue intersection.
- Making accommodations on 35th Avenue and Indian School Road for future high-capacity transit.
- Enhancing safety and improving bicycle, pedestrian and bus facilities such as additional or wider sidewalks, wider outside shoulders for bikes, separate bus pull-outs or new bus shelters.
Flyover Video of Project
Aerial plan view of new roadway alignments and bridges for the project.
Simulation of project showing a new elevated intersection of 35th Avenue and Indian School Road over US 60/Grand Avenue.
Project Purpose and Need
The purpose and need of this project is to:
- Improve traffic flow and reduce delays at the intersection.
- Reduce crashes.
- Reduce vehicle-train conflicts.
Study Process
Project Schedule
- Design and Right of Way Acquisition – Began mid-2024
- Construction – Expected to begin in Summer 2026
Public Hearing/Meetings
Oct. 25. 2023 Hearing Documents and Presentations
- Public Hearing Presentation (English)
- Public Hearing Presentation (Spanish)
- Public Hearing Presentation (Vietnamese)
- Direct Mailer (English)
- Direct Mailer (Spanish)
- Draft Environmental Assessment
- Appendix A: Right-of-Way Acquisition Table
- Appendix B: Socioeconomic and Environmental Justice Technical Report
- Appendix C: Air Quality Technical Report
- Appendix D: Noise Analysis Technical Report
- Appendix E: Visual Viewpoints
- Appendix F: Hazardous Materials Supporting Documentation
- Appendix G: Public Involvement Supporting Documentation
- Appendix H: Agency Coordination Supporting Documentation
- Initial Design Concept Report
January 31, 2023 Meeting Documents and Presentations
- Public Involvement and Alternatives Meeting Summary
- Poster (English and Spanish)
- Poster (English and Vietnamese)
- Fact Sheet (English)
- Fact Sheet (Spanish)
- Fact Sheet (Vietnamese)
- English Presentation
- Spanish Presentation - Presentación en Español
- Vietnamese Presentation - Bài Thuyết Trình Tiếng Việt
October 22, 2020 Public Scoping Meeting
Frequently Asked Questions
Right-of-Way Acquisition
Right-of-Way Acquisition Facts
- Acquisitions and Relocations will be performed in accordance with Public Law 91-646, The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 (49 CFR Part 24).
- If it has been determined that a property is to be acquired as part of a project, an appraisal will be performed to determine the fair market value of the property.
- If a property owner does not agree with the determined valuation, they can obtain an appraisal at their own expense and submit it to ADOT for review and consideration. Relocated housing must be decent, safe and sanitary.
- Replacement housing assistance can be made within the general area based on availability.
- For more information visit and
Stay Informed/Contact Us

Please subscribe to receive study updates by email.
ADOT welcomes your questions and comments. Please contact us in any of these ways:
- Phone: ADOT Community Relations Project Manager: 623.695.7411
- Email: Nancy Becerra at [email protected]
- Mail: ADOT Communications, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007