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Loop 101 (Agua Fria) current and upcoming closures and restrictions (click here)

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Two eastbound Loop 101 (Agua Fria) ramps closed Saturday, Feb. 22 

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) advises drivers to plan for two eastbound ramp closures on the Loop 101, 75th Avenue to I-17 widening project.

  • The following ramps will be closed from 11:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22:
    • The Loop 101 eastbound on-ramp at 59th Avenue
      Detour: Drivers may use Union Hills Drive to enter the freeway at 51st Avenue.
    • The Loop 101 eastbound off-ramp at 51st Avenue
      Detour: Drivers may exit at 59th Avenue and use Union Hills Drive to reach 51st Avenue



Lane restrictions are ongoing at the following locations for bridge work and frontage road improvements.

At the 51st and 35th avenue interchanges:

  • All on- and off-ramps will be narrowed to one lane
  • The left-turn lane for both east- and westbound on-ramps will be narrowed to one lane
  • 51st and 35th avenues will be narrowed to one lane under Loop 101 

At the 31st Avenue interchange:

  • The 31st Avenue shoulders will be closed under Loop 101. Pedestrian access is still available. 

Frontage roads:

The east- and westbound frontage roads (Beardsley Road) will be narrowed to one lane throughout the project area. The frontage road improvements are expected to be completed in early- to mid-March 2025.


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Loop 101 (Agua Fria Freeway), 75th Avenue to I-17 Improvements

Loop 101 (Agua Fria Freeway), 75th Avenue to I-17 Improvements



The project is widening Loop 101 between 75th Avenue and I-17 by one general-purpose lane in each direction to improve traffic flow on Loop 101 and the cross streets. Other improvements include widening bridges, modifying interchange ramps and frontage roads in some locations, adding a third southbound left turn lane onto Loop 101 at 75th Avenue, improving the system interchange ramp between westbound Loop 101 and northbound I-17 and resurfacing the roadway.

This project is included in the Regional Transportation Plan for Maricopa County and is funded through Prop 400, a countywide dedicated half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements approved by voters in 2004.

project map

Fact Sheets

Project Elements

  • Adding one general purpose lane to the outside of Loop 101 in each direction between 75th Avenue and I-17.
  • Widening bridges at 51st, 35th and 31st avenues and constructing new retaining walls.
  • Modifying interchange ramps and frontage roads in some locations.
  • Interchange improvements at 75th Avenue to add a third southbound left turn lane onto eastbound Loop 101. 
  • Adding or modifying noise walls in some locations where warranted.
  • Removing the worn asphalt and resurfacing the concrete pavement by diamond grinding.
  • Upgrading freeway and ramp lighting.
  • Modifying the existing freeway drainage system.
  • Replacing impacted landscaping.

What to Expect

  • Construction is expected to take approximately two-and-a-half years to complete.
  • Work will require lane restrictions and full closures on Loop 101, the interchange ramps and cross streets, and will occur primarily during overnight hours and weekends to minimize traffic impacts.
  • Long-term on- and off-ramp closures will be required (up to 60 days).
  • ADOT will provide advance notice of restrictions and closures to email subscribers and on the project web page.
  • Access to businesses and residences will be maintained.


The project began in late September 2024 and is expected to take approximately two-and-a-half years to complete.

Project Photos

Loop 101, 75th Ave. to I-17 Widening Project: November 2024 Loop 101, 75th Ave. to I-17 Widening Project: December 2024


Background and Project Documents

Public Involvement: 

  • The project team presented information and answered questions about the design plans for the Loop 101 widening project at a virtual public meeting held the evening of Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022. A video recording of the meeting and other project information can be found here
  • An earlier public meeting was held in 2021. Information on that meeting can be found here.  

Project Documents:

Public Meeting

The Arizona Department of Transportation, in partnership with the cities of Glendale and Phoenix, and the Maricopa Association of Governments, held an in-person public meeting in September 2024, to provide more information about construction of the upcoming widening project on Loop 101 (Agua Fria Freeway) between 75th Avenue and Interstate 17. 


  • Phone: ADOT Project Information Line: 855.712.8530
  • Email: Kimberly Larson at [email protected]

Public Meeting Documents:

Sept. 19 Public Meeting Summary 

Sept. 19 Public Meeting Presentation - English

Sept. 19 Public Meeting Presentation - Spanish

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Submit questions and comments or request information in any of the following ways:

  • Phone: ADOT Project Information Line: 855.712.8530
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mail: ADOT Communications, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007