Public Outreach - SR 189: International Border to Grand Avenue

Public Outreach - SR 189: International Border to Grand Avenue

SR189 Freeway - Ramping up for the future


Public Involvement and Outreach

The Arizona Department of Transportation has involved the public throughout the study and design phases for SR 189. Methods have included public and small group meetings, a public hearing, individual business outreach, stakeholder meetings, email updates, and information provided through print, online, and broadcast media.

Outreach continues during the construction of the improvements using a variety of methods and includes a bilingual project hotline at 855-712-8530.

Business Outreach

ADOT views business outreach as essential to the success of construction projects. Ensuring that business operators are aware of the potential impacts of a construction project and that ADOT understands the needs of businesses to sustain their operations during construction is critical. Reaching out to businesses in the project area and informing them of an upcoming project can minimize the negative effects on those businesses and allow ADOT to remain a good community partner while making necessary improvements. Early and continuous communication allows the project team to be aware of the daily operational needs of businesses and develop an approach that accommodates them appropriately. As the project moves through construction phases, businesses are updated on the progress and can better prepare to minimize the effect on their operations.

SR 189 Public Meeting

SR 189 Public Meeting

SR 189 Public Meeting

SR 189 Public Meeting