As summer temperatures shoot upward, so do the number of brush fires alongside state highways. Here's what you can do to help stop wildfires.
As part of the widening project, the L-101 Price freeway will have its concrete pavement diamond ground.
It's a holiday weekend, but we're still asking you to put your thinking cap on!
We are four months into our project at I-10 and Ruthrauff. Check out this video of the work!
Construction projects continue through the current public health situation, which means ADOT had to adapt in order to keep the public engaged.
Between a planned computer operating system upgrade and the current public health situation, there has been a lot of changes for the MVD lately. But there has been a silver lining to all of this change.
Arizona Highways magazine called for photographers to send the best shots of Arizona scenery they had. Here are the three photos that brought the "wow" factor.
Drivers may have noticed some changes to I-17 at Central Avenue, but more is coming this weekend as we rebuild the bridge there.
A lot of greenery surrounds today's "Where in AZ??" image.
We are nearly halfway there on our bridge replacement project on State Route 77 at Winkelman, and here's the proof.
Have you activated your free AZ MVD Now account? If not, its simple and easy and we'll walk you through it!
With high summer temperatures here again, we have some tips to make sure the heat doesn't get to you or your vehicle.
When the weather begins to warm across Northern Arizona in the spring, it’s a sprint to begin and complete temperature-sensitive pavement repairs and highway improvements before the colder temperatures of fall return. With maintenance crews...
Our director shares his thoughts about what the addition of truck parking spaces to ADOT's Arizona Traveler Information 511 website means for commerical drivers.
If you drive through the Hopi Reservation, you’ll notice an Adopt a Highway sign that reads “BC One of a Kind” about 11 miles south of Second Mesa. It honors Branyon Rebeau Claw Sr., the oldest son of Madeline Sahneyah, also known as “BC.”...
It's not often in life that you get immediate results. A lot of things worth doing take time and patience to bear any fruit. That's why it was gratifying when we saw a noticeable change in traffic flow and safety after crews completed a...
On this day 92 years ago, the first aiport at the Grand Canyon took flight.
The highway may never have been built, the spirit behind this public meeting in 1960s Tucson lives on.
We've moved into action quickly to expand the number of commercial parking spaces at two rest area along I-40.