The 1910s were a busy time in Arizona. Arizona became a state in 1912 and the Grand Canyon was designated as a National Park in 1919. In southeast Arizona, the town of Bisbee, pictured here in 1910, was booming. Fueled by the mining...
Voting is now underway for ADOT’s second Name-A-Snowplow Contest. Arizonans submitted thousands of creative names, and it’s fantastic to see the participation! Now, you have a chance to choose your top three favorites by going to
Some people wear their heart on their sleeves, but did you know you can also wear it on your license plate? This Valentine’s Day, give the gift of expression and charitable donation at the same time in the form of a specialty license plate.
It’s Valentine’s Day and we hope that today, just like every other day of the year, you’ll make safe driving decisions behind the wheel. Choosing to let fellow drivers merge, using your turn signals to indicate you’re switching lanes, and...
ADOT Director Jennifer Toth shares her path to becoming to an engineer and celebrates the work done by engineers of all disciplines.
When you drive past an active highway construction zone, you may see people operating heavy equipment. You might not see the people that work behind the scenes to ensure that those projects run smoothly. Cordell Yazzie is one of those people.
During National Engineers Week, Feb. 18-24, we’re asking engineers on some of ADOT’s projects to share with us stories about their work and careers. Today, meet Sara Howard from the Loop 101 Princess Drive to Shea Boulevard Improvement...
Where we are going, we need safe roads. Here at ADOT, we love to celebrate National Engineers Week. It serves as a gentle reminder to highlight and recognize the importance that engineers play in building Arizona's roads and keeping...
Chris Page spent his college days driving through highway work zones. Now, he manages highway projects.
2025? Who's thinking about 2025 yet? You are probably getting used to this new year and still putting down 2023 for the date before quickly correcting it. So 2025 may seem like it is way off in the distance. But next year – yes, 2025 is...
The first round of electric vehicle charging stations will open by the end of 2025, with 21 locations along interstates. That’s just the start. ADOT is already looking at another 38 or so charging stations to be built the following year or two.
ADOT’s vision is safely connecting people and empowering Arizona’s economy. That includes those attention-grabbing and often humorous messages that appear when overhead message boards aren’t being used for other purposes. In the latest episode of our podcast, On the Road with ADOT, we talk safety messaging.
Here’s an aerial photo of what could be nearly any highway in Arizona in the 1970s. But if you engage with our weekly Flashback Trivia questions on social media (Facebook and Twitter/X), you may know what highway we’re looking at and the...
It’s a question we get often on the I-17 Improvement Project – when will the new lanes from Anthem Way to Black Canyon City be done and open to traffic?
In Arizona we have more than 100 specialty license plates featuring a wide range of causes or charities. To boost awareness, we spotlight one specialty license plate a week on social media. These are the plates we featured in February.
We see them all along the freeways, concrete barrier walls, placed to help protect drivers. When constructing these walls, crews can use different methods. One method is called slipforming.
A group returning to their stretch of Adopt-a-Highway roadway and was pleased to find less litter than the first outing. But they were surprised by the number of glass bottles that were purposefully tossed out of cars. What, if anything, could persuade a person to keep that bottle in the car?
Many Arizonans are getting ready for spring break road trips. Taking that week off from school or work to spend time with family and friends may be a great way to relax and unwind. One way to ensure that week is a relaxing week, especially if you are driving to your destination, is to check for any safety recalls on your vehicle prior to hitting the open road.
If you’ve driven along the I-17 Improvement Project corridor between Anthem Way and Sunset Point, you may have seen many large white bags in the middle of all the ongoing construction work. The bags are filled with Ultra-Lightweight Foam...
Good roads don't just magically appear. They require a solid foundation and quality materials. It all starts with ADOT's Materials Group.