On the Weekly Force Account Detail, how do I enter Outside Rented Equipment if the piece of rented or leased equipment was exclusive to the Force Account?

On the Outside Rented Equipment worksheet, you will enter 1 in the Quantity and the invoice amount in the Invoice Rate. On the next line, enter the number of the hours the equipment was used in the Quantity field and the Hourly Operating Cost in the HOC field.

Entering these amounts will result in the contractor being reimbursed the entire invoice amount (minus any nonreimbursable costs), as well as the Hourly Operating Costs for all hours the piece of equipment was in operation.

How do traffic engineers determine guide sign messages?

Guide signs require simplicity and clarity because drivers of moving vehicles are unable to read lengthy or complicated messages on signs. For this reason, sign messages should not exceed three lines.

On freeways, high traffic speeds demand that the number of signs be limited to those absolutely essential for the guidance of the motorist. Freeway exits are identified by the exit number, the route number or the name of the intersecting road. Certain additional messages may be provided where justified.

When should traffic signal lights be installed?

Traffic signals should be installed when they will alleviate more problems than they will create. This determination must be based on an engineering study.

A warranted traffic signal that is properly located and operated may provide for more orderly movement of traffic and may reduce the occurrence of certain types of accidents. On the other hand, an unwarranted traffic signal can result in increased delay, congestion and accidents.