What does "uniformity of traffic control devices" mean?

"Uniformity" means treating similar situations in the same way. Applied to traffic engineering, uniformity simplifies the drivers' tasks because it aids in instant recognition and understanding. Uniformity aids police, courts and road users by giving everyone the same interpretation. It aids public-highway officials through economy in manufacturing, installing, maintaining and administering the roads.

How do traffic engineers promote safer traffic conditions?

Traffic engineers promote safer traffic conditions by providing roadway conditions that contribute to smooth and efficient traffic flow.

Experience has shown that safety goes hand in hand with smooth traffic operation. Disrupting the smooth flow of traffic increases the probability of accidents.

Erratic traffic operation may be caused by vehicles stopping or slowing in the roadway, passing and weaving maneuvers, or other surprise elements. For example, unwarranted traffic signals, unreasonably low speed limits and too many signs may cause driver confusion and indecision.

How do traffic engineers solve traffic problems?

The role of traffic engineers may be compared to that of the medical profession in protecting the public. As trained professionals, traffic engineers look at the symptoms of general traffic conditions, and to make a competent diagnosis, they take traffic counts, analyze accident statistics, study speed data, examine roadway conditions, conduct research and study what other professionals are doing and the results they have achieved.

What is traffic engineering, and why is it essential?

Traffic engineering is that phase of engineering that deals with the planning, geometric design and traffic operations of roads, streets and highways and their networks, terminals, abutting lands and relationships with other modes of transportation for the achievement of safe, efficient and convenient movement of people and goods.

Traffic engineering applies engineering principles that help solve transportation problems by considering the psychology and habits of the transportation system users.