Interstate 10 / Baseline Road Traffic Interchange
Interstate 10 / Baseline Road Traffic Interchange
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is studying potential improvements to traffic flow and safety at the I-10/Baseline Road traffic interchange.
Due to the high traffic volume and congestion in the area, the current interchange design may no longer be adequate to meet the needs of the traveling public. The study is evaluating three design alternatives for the interchange: a Modified Diamond Interchange (MDI), a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) and a No Build Alternative. The two build alternatives would enhance regional travel at the interchange.
The study has developed design concepts for the alternatives and is soliciting public feedback prior to identifying the preferred design alternative as part of the Design Concept Report (DCR).
This project is planned in two phases. Phase I consists of determining the recommended configuration for the Baseline Road interchange. Phase II will consist of final design of the interchange and preparation of construction documents.
Project Area Map
Study Timeline
Public Scoping Meeting - May 9, 2023
Public Meeting for Design Alternatives - Aug. 8, 2024
Completed Study - Late 2024
Construction - The project is not currently funded for construction.
Interchange Designs Being Considered
ADOT is considering three potential interchange design configurations for the I-10/Baseline Road Interchange project: a Modified Diamond Interchange (MDI), a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) and a No Build Alternative - or do nothing option. These alternatives will be discussed in detail during the August 2024 public meeting.
No Build Alternative
This alternative would not make any improvements to the existing interchange or to Baseline Road. The No Build alternative would not reduce congestion along Baseline Road. The existing roadway and traffic signals would remain unaltered and there would not be any property impacts.
(No Build Alternative)
Modified Diamond Interchange (MDI)
The existing I-10/Baseline Road Interchange is a Tight Diamond Interchange, also known as a Compact Diamond Interchange. It is the most commonly used interchange type for freeway connections to local roads, and many of the existing interchanges within Maricopa County use this design.
The MDI alternative would keep the interchange and ramp configuration as they are, while adding some modifications to improve traffic operations, including adding new right turn lanes on Baseline Road at I-10 and additional lanes on the exit and entrance ramps. This alternative also includes the removal of the traffic signal at Wendler Drive and revising access to be right-in, right-out. This will improve the flow of traffic on Baseline Road. This alternative would have a smaller footprint than the DDI alternative, and would impact fewer existing properties. The MDI would also be less expensive than the DDI.
(Modified Diamond Interchange Alternative)
Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI)
A Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) is a relatively new type of interchange that provides efficient traffic movements and reduces conflict points between traffic movements to improve safety. A DDI increases traffic flow by temporarily transitioning traffic to the left side of the road, allowing through-traffic and left-turning traffic to proceed through the interchange simultaneously, eliminating the need for a signalized left-turn. DDIs are particularly effective at locations that have high volumes of left-turn traffic on and off of freeway ramps and left-turn related safety challenges.
(Diverging Diamond Interchange traffic flow diagram)
Of the three alternatives, this alternative would have the largest footprint and would impact more existing properties. This alternative also includes the removal of the traffic signal at Wendler Drive and revising access to be right-in, right-out. The DDI would be more expensive than the MDI.
(Diverging-Diamond Interchange Alternative)
Aug. 8, 2024 Virtual Public Meeting
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) held a virtual public meeting on Aug. 8 at 6 p.m. for the public to learn about and provide input on the design alternatives to improve the I-10/Baseline Road traffic interchange. These improvements are being planned in coordination with the cities of Tempe and Phoenix, and the town of Guadalupe.
Virtual Public Meeting Recordings
May 9, 2023 Virtual Public Meeting
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- By Mail: ADOT Communications, 1655 W. Jackson St., MD 126F, Phoenix, AZ 85007