Enforcement and Compliance (ECD)

ADOT moving to fully-cashless permitting system for commercial trucks

ADOT moving to fully-cashless permitting system for commercial trucks

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT moving to fully-cashless permitting system for commercial trucks

ADOT moving to fully-cashless permitting system for commercial trucks

December 16, 2020

PHOENIX – When commercial truckers purchase their permits for driving through Arizona online ahead of time or use a cashless method at the port of entry, they spend less time making payments and get on their way faster. 

That’s one reason the Arizona Department of Transportation successfully implemented a pilot program to move to a fully-cashless permitting system. Now, after working with trucking companies that pay with cash to ensure they have enough time to convert to a cashless system, ADOT’s ports of entry intend to go fully cashless on Jan. 1, 2021. 

The move to end the acceptance of cash and checks at ports of entry also supports recommendations by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention to curb the spread of COVID-19 through the exchange of currency.

ADOT’s truck permitting systems, ePro and Transport, have cashless features and nearly 80% of truckers getting permits use those features. But in order to help trucks move through the ports more efficiently, ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division began to encourage the other 20% of truckers to pay for permits online using Apple Pay, Android Pay or credit card.

“We have been getting a feel from the trucking industry on how much they would support this change and the feedback has been positive,” said Lt. Jason Sloan, team lead for implementing the change. “This improvement will help eliminate waste and maximize resources available at ports of entry to process commercial traffic faster.”

The move also allows more officers to be available for enforcement duties instead of having one or more of them make a long drive from a remote port of entry to a financial institution to deposit the cash and checks collected.

This change is one more way ADOT’s continuous improvement process is making more efficient use of time, resources and taxpayer dollars. It will also be implemented at VIN inspection stations around the state.

ADOT is also developing a new commercial permitting system that will support the move to cashless and touchless that is expected to be operational by the end of next year.

ADOT adds to truck screening technology smoothing flow of commerce

ADOT adds to truck screening technology smoothing flow of commerce

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT adds to truck screening technology smoothing flow of commerce

ADOT adds to truck screening technology smoothing flow of commerce

June 24, 2020

PHOENIX – To help freight move efficiently while ensuring that commercial vehicles can operate safely on state highways, the Arizona Department of Transportation has expanded its use of technology that screens moving trucks for weight and identifying information.

This system, used until now at select rest areas including McGuireville on Interstate 17, Sacaton on Interstate 10 and Canoa Ranch on Interstate 19, is now operating at ADOT’s commercial ports of entry along I-10, I-40 and State Route 95 in Parker.

“This truck screening system will allow our officers to focus on the commercial vehicles that need our officers’ attention,” said Jeff Stanhope, deputy director for ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division. “It helps us make better use of our resources and efforts while allowing trucks in compliance to go on their way.”

The technology includes weigh-in-motion sensors, cameras that are designed to read USDOT  numbers and license plates, and message signs. An additional feature at the Ehrenberg and San Simon ports of entry on I-10 also identifies commercial vehicles with tires that could be damaged or in need of repair. The failure of a tire on a commercial vehicle can lead to catastrophic collisions and cause tire debris to be deposited on and along roadways.

As a commercial vehicle approaches the port of entry, highway signs direct the driver into the right lane. When the truck is a half mile from the port, the weigh-in-motion sensors and cameras capture the vehicle’s weight and identifying information and relay it to ADOT Enforcement and Compliance officers at the port.

The computer checks the truck’s credentials against national and state databases. If the truck is cleared and within weight limits, the message boards along the highway direct the driver to bypass the port and continue on. If there is an issue identified with the commercial vehicle, such as expired registration, federal out-of-service orders or required permits not on file, the signs direct the driver to pull into the port for further inspection.

In addition to saving ADOT officers and truck drivers time and resources, the system tracks and stores the size and weights of the commercial vehicles entering Arizona. This data will help ADOT’s Multimodal Planning Division make more informed decisions about the state’s highway system in the future.

Helping end human trafficking is a year-round mission at ADOT

Helping end human trafficking is a year-round mission at ADOT

Helping end human trafficking is a year-round mission at ADOT

Helping end human trafficking is a year-round mission at ADOT

By Ryan Harding / ADOT Communications
January 31, 2020

As part of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao announced a series of efforts to combat human trafficking in the transportation sector. These efforts include transportation agencies around the country signing a pledge to help end human trafficking.

Among those signing: ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division, which enforces rules and regulations that improve the ability of commercial motor vehicles to move people, goods and services in a safe, efficient manner on state highways.

The pledge calls for educating transportation employees to recognize and report signs of human trafficking and to raise awareness among the traveling public about the problem. These are actions ADOT’s officers have already taken and continue to build upon.

Commanders and their staffs at ADOT's commercial vehicle ports of entry are trained to identify warning signs of human trafficking, such as unusual tattoos, an unwillingness to speak and carrying large amounts of cash without explanation. 

This training explains where the demand for human trafficking victims comes from and how this crime is perpetrated. The Enforcement and Compliance Division is also developing online training so ADOT employees who work along highways will be ready to spot the signs of human trafficking.

Vehicles driven by the Enforcement and Compliance Division have bumper stickers encouraging those who need help or who see signs of trouble to visit EndSexTrafficking.AZ.gov or call 888.373.7888, resources offered through the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family.

ADOT takes the problem of human trafficking seriously.By pledging to work with the U.S. Department of Transportation and other transportation agencies across the country, we reaffirm our commitment to ending it.


ADOT Enforcement chief honored for efforts promoting international trade

ADOT Enforcement chief honored for efforts promoting international trade

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT Enforcement chief honored for efforts promoting international trade

ADOT Enforcement chief honored for efforts promoting international trade

August 8, 2019

PHOENIX – A group dedicated to law enforcement coordination between Arizona and Sonora has honored the director of the Arizona Department of Transportation’s Enforcement and Compliance Division for promoting international partnership and trade through initiatives such as first-of-its-kind safety training offered to truckers and companies in Mexico.

Policia Internacional Sonora-Arizona recently presented its Luis Noriega Award to ADOT’s Tim Lane. The award, the group’s highest honor, is named for a longtime board member and deputy U.S. marshal.

"I am proud to be a part of an organization that supports strong partnerships with both state and international partners,” Lane said.

Among other duties related to transportation, ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division staffs commercial ports of entry where officers make sure trucks are safe and properly permitted to operate in Arizona. Two years ago, the division’s Border Liaison Unit launched an International Border Inspection Qualification that helps drivers and companies better understand the safety standards that ADOT officers enforce.

The training makes state highways safer while reducing wait times at commercial ports along the Arizona-Mexico border, in turn boosting Arizona’s economy by making those ports more appealing to truckers. As a result of the International Border Inspection Qualification, major safety violations among those certified through the program have dropped to almost zero.

Policia Internacional Sonora-Arizona also cited the Enforcement and Compliance Division’s role in a collaboration that helped Sonora launch its first safety corridor between Arizona and Puerto Peñasco. That collaboration, through which ADOT experts provided training in traffic incident management, stemmed from conversations that launched the International Border Inspection Qualification.

“ADOT’s border liaison program has been instrumental in the faster flow of commercial vehicles transporting goods between Arizona and Mexico,” said Siggy Casillas, chairman of Policia Internacional Sonora-Arizona. “Just by speaking to Mr. Lane, you feel the support he transmits when speaking about not only ADOT’s liaison program but other agencies’ liaison programs as well.”

Enforcement and Compliance officers lend hand at Peoria homeless outreach event

Enforcement and Compliance officers lend hand at Peoria homeless outreach event

Enforcement and Compliance officers lend hand at Peoria homeless outreach event

Enforcement and Compliance officers lend hand at Peoria homeless outreach event

By Captain Leah Ray / ADOT Enforcement and Compliance Division
July 24, 2019

Earlier this month, officers from ADOT's Enforcement and Compliance Division joined the Peoria Police Department's crisis intervention team for that agency's seventh annual Homeless Outreach Event.

The goal of the event, held at the Rio Vista Community Center, was working with social service resources, mental health providers, health care services, veterans assistance, other law enforcement agencies and, most importantly, the community to provide those experiencing homelessness with an opportunity to connect with resources they need. The community and law enforcement worked together to provide donations of products and services to help those in need, regardless of their circumstances.

The Enforcement and Compliance Division, with help from the Motor Vehicle Division,  assisted folks with applying for their Arizona identification card. These cards are crucial for them to obtain help with such things as housing, jobs and mental health care. This approach drew on resources from across ADOT's many divisions. The outpouring of support by all involved was a strong message to those in need that there is hope and assistance available. 

The more than 50 homeless individuals who attended received multiple levels of assistance. Out of these attendees, five had the necessary documentation in order to be processed for their state identification card, while another attendee received help with the application. This important effort could not have been possible without the collaboration and cooperation throughout ADOT and our commitment to community service.

International trucker safety training expands with refresher course

International trucker safety training expands with refresher course

I-17 101 traffic interchange

International trucker safety training expands with refresher course

International trucker safety training expands with refresher course

July 23, 2019

PHOENIX – Two years after launching a first-of-its-kind truck safety training program for drivers and companies in Mexico, the Arizona Department of Transportation has added refresher instruction for those who have been through the program.

ADOT launched the International Border Inspection Qualification in 2017 by sending trained officers from commercial ports of entry into Mexico to provide instruction, in Spanish, on safety regulations. The goals: reducing violations that can lead to delays for truckers from Mexico and making state highways safer by allowing ADOT officers to focus on vehicles needing the most attention.

Since the program launched, the nearly 700 drivers with the qualification have crossed the border a combined 15,000 times with just 49 major safety violations. In addition to what they gain from the training, qualified drivers can communicate with officers before approaching the border using WhatsApp, a smartphone application, to learn whether a potential safety issue needs to be addressed before heading to a commercial port of entry at the Arizona-Mexico border.

To build on that momentum, ADOT recently launched a six-hour requalification class for those who have been through the program. Beyond an initial offering in Hermosillo, Sonora, ADOT will offer the requalification class this year in Douglas in Arizona and Ensenada, Puerto Penasco and San Luis in Mexico.

“These drivers and their companies opened the door for tremendous improvements in safety among hundreds of truckers who cross the border into Arizona every day,” said Mark Sanders, director of international programs for ADOT. “This follow-up instruction allows them to keep their knowledge up-to-date while the overall program continues fostering more efficient trade between Arizona and Mexico.”

The refresher course covers in brief the main points covered in the original qualification class. Topics include the proper working order of brakes, wheels, tires, suspension and electrical systems, as well as how to properly secure loads and other general information.

The refresher training also covers new federal or state regulations pertaining to commercial trucking.

Identifying and repairing safety violations before they result in delays at the border saves trucking companies time and money and encourages drivers to cross the border in Arizona, a boon for the state’s economy.

The program has seen considerable expansion in the past year. ADOT officers held the first International Border Inspection Qualification for the maquiladora industry and held their first training in Baja, California, and Hermosillo, Sonora.

Help us stop illegal use of red-dyed diesel

Help us stop illegal use of red-dyed diesel

Help us stop illegal use of red-dyed diesel

Help us stop illegal use of red-dyed diesel

By David Rookhuyzen / ADOT Communications
July 16, 2019

Are you seeing red?

Because if you notice someone putting red-dyed diesel into a personal or commercial vehicle, that's illegal and there is something you can do about it.

Red-dyed diesel is fuel that has been, you guessed it, colored with a red dye. It's intended for use by vehicles that don't use highways, as equipment used for farming, mining or construction. It's illegal to use in vehicles and semis that drive on publicly maintained roads.

So why does it matter if someone is fueling up with red-dyed diesel instead of standard diesel? Because red-dyed diesel is only intended for vehicles that will not be using public roads, it's exempt from the state's gas tax, which funds road and bridge projects in Arizona.

So anyone putting red-dyed diesel into a vehicle that doesn't meet those exemptions is skirting the tax and not paying their fair share to keep highways maintained.

Detective David Audelo, acting supervisor of the Fuel Tax Evasion Unit for ADOT's Enforcement and Compliance Division, said red-dyed diesel pumps are clearly marked as "off road use only" and visible to anyone filling up at a gas station.

If drivers see a violation, they should write down as much information as they can about the offending vehicle and take a photo if possible, but do not confront the driver or put themselves in harm's way, he said. 

Those who see people using red-dyed diesel illegally can report it to the Fuel Tax Evasion Unit by calling 877.293.8357 or going to azdot.gov/RedDiesel

A first-time offender could face a fine of $1,000 or $10 per gallon of the capacity of the fuel tank, whichever is greater, along with possible criminal charges and civil penalties. Those fines will be multiplied if a person has multiple violations.

ADOT officers seize 1,113 pounds of marijuana in fake delivery van

ADOT officers seize 1,113 pounds of marijuana in fake delivery van

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT officers seize 1,113 pounds of marijuana in fake delivery van

ADOT officers seize 1,113 pounds of marijuana in fake delivery van

February 6, 2019

PHOENIX – Arizona Department of Transportation officers aided by one of the agency’s K-9 units seized more than a half ton of marijuana Tuesday evening from a fake delivery van spotted on Interstate 15 in far northwestern Arizona.

While the van had authentic-looking markings of a commercial package-delivery service, an officer with ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division noticed that the vehicle, traveling northbound toward the Virgin River Gorge, had an out-of-state license plate on the front. Local delivery vans for the company have Arizona plates and registration, but a check of records later showed the vehicle was registered to an individual in North Carolina.

The officer, who was traveling in the opposite direction when he spotted the vehicle, alerted other ADOT officers, one of whom caught up with the van and noted several traffic violations as it traveled I-15 through the Virgin River Gorge. Another ADOT officer then stopped the van and noted inconsistencies in the driver’s story as the two other ADOT officers arrived.

Called into action based on the suspicious circumstances, a drug-sniffing dog handled by one of the ADOT officers detected illegal substances. In searching the vehicle, the officers found large bags containing 1,113 pounds of marijuana, as well as 5 grams of a mushroom-based hallucinogenic, three vials of illegal steroids and $7,850.

The driver, a 48-year-old man, was booked into the Mesquite Detention Center in Nevada pending transfer to the Mohave County Jail in Kingman. The van was taken to ADOT’s commercial port of entry in St. George, Utah.

ADOT officers enforce laws involving commercial vehicle safety and permits, registration and driver license fraud, and unlicensed auto dealers, among other areas related to the agency’s transportation responsibilities. Last year, ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division began using K-9 units based out of commercial ports of entry next to California, New Mexico and Utah to help reduce smuggling of drugs and people.


ADOT wears blue for National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

ADOT wears blue for National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

I-17 101 traffic interchange

ADOT wears blue for National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

ADOT wears blue for National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

January 10, 2019

PHOENIX – Those visiting Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division offices on Friday, Jan. 11, will see employees wearing blue in recognition of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. On vehicles driven by officers with ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division, motorists will see bumper stickers pointing to help for human trafficking victims.

Whether it’s encouraging MVD’s 850 office employees to participate in #WearBlueDay or having K-9 units on the lookout for human trafficking victims at commercial ports of entry, ADOT works throughout the year to help combat this increasingly urgent problem.

At ports of entry next to California and New Mexico, ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance division has K-9 units trained to identify not only evidence of illegal drugs but human cargo that can include victims of human trafficking. Lieutenants overseeing these ports are trained to identify warning signs of human trafficking, such as unusual tattoos, an unwillingness to speak and carrying large amounts of cash without explanation.

“ADOT is taking a comprehensive approach to help end this horrible practice in Arizona,” said ADOT Enforcement Services Bureau Chief Gary McCarthy, who chairs the Arizona Human Trafficking Council’s Outreach and Awareness Committee. “This is a real problem with real victims.”

Dozens of vehicles driven by Enforcement and Compliance Division officers have bumper stickers encouraging those who need help or who see signs of trouble to visit EndSexTrafficking.AZ.gov or call 888.373.7888, resources offered through the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family.

This year, more ADOT officers will receive training on human trafficking, including where the demand comes from and what cases look like. The Enforcement and Compliance Division is developing online training so ADOT employees who work along highways will be ready to spot the signs of human trafficking.

At ports of entry and elsewhere, ADOT helps combat human trafficking

At ports of entry and elsewhere, ADOT helps combat human trafficking

I-17 101 traffic interchange

At ports of entry and elsewhere, ADOT helps combat human trafficking

At ports of entry and elsewhere, ADOT helps combat human trafficking

October 10, 2018

PHOENIX – At Arizona Department of Transportation commercial ports of entry near California and New Mexico,  K-9 units are trained to identify not only evidence of illegal drugs but human cargo that can include victims of human trafficking. Lieutenants overseeing these ports have training on identifying warning signs of human trafficking, such as unusual tattoos, an unwillingness to speak up and carrying large amounts of cash without explanation.

Meanwhile, dozens of vehicles driven by officers with ADOT’s Enforcement and Compliance Division have bumper stickers aimed at directing those who need help or who see signs of trouble to EndSexTrafficking.AZ.gov or 888.373.7888, resources offered through the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family.

With human trafficking an increasingly urgent issue, ADOT officers enforcing commercial vehicle laws have joined other law enforcement agencies and the Arizona Human Trafficking Council created by Governor Doug Ducey to help make Arizona a leader in combating this crime.

“Human trafficking is not just something you hear about on TV or read on the Internet; it’s happening right here in our state,” ADOT Director John Halikowski said. “That’s why it’s critical for ADOT to be part of this comprehensive effort to combat it.”

As a member of the Arizona Human Trafficking Council, Chief Gary McCarthy with ADOT’s Office of Inspector General, part of the Enforcement and Compliance Division, chairs the outreach and awareness committee that not only raises public awareness but trains people on how to spot human trafficking and what to do about it.


In addition to the training provided to lieutenants overseeing commercial ports of entry, starting in 2019 advanced training for ADOT officers will include a human-trafficking component, including where the demand comes from and what cases look like. And the Enforcement and Compliance Division plans to develop online training so other ADOT employees who work along highways will learn how to spot the signs of human trafficking.

Since December, ADOT has had its first two K-9 units trained to detect human smuggling in addition to illegal drugs. The K-9s are used at the ports of entry along the eastern and western sides of Arizona to check any commercial vehicles that raise suspicions.

“We’re taking a few approaches to do our part to end this heinous practice here in Arizona,” McCarthy said. “From training more officers to use of our K-9 units to raising awareness through bumper stickers on our vehicles, ADOT is serious about stopping human trafficking and saving lives.”

If you would like to learn more about how to help stop human trafficking, please visit EndSexTrafficking.az.gov. To report anything suspicious, please call 888.373.7888.