How about a specialty plate for that person who's impossible to shop for?
How about a specialty plate for that person who's impossible to shop for?
How about a specialty plate for that person who's impossible to shop for?
How about a specialty plate for that person who's impossible to shop for?
By David Woodfill / ADOT Communications
My dad is notoriously hard to shop for when it comes to birthdays and Christmas. He's retired, comfortable and feels like he has everything he needs in life. So every Christmas my siblings and I wrack our brains over what to do for him.
Once I got him a pocket flashlight that, even at just 2 inches long, shone a blinding 275 lumens. A few days later, he couldn't remember which drawer he put it in. Another year, I ordered decadent gourmet food only to find out that my mother had just put him on a strict diet and exercise regimen.
This year, I've decided to order him a specialty license plate from ADOT's Motor Vehicle Division. Few may realize it, but offers dozens of plates supporting worthy causes, making it all but impossible to not find something that fits someone's personality. Of the $25 annual cost, $17 goes toward a designated cause that aligns with the recipient's values and passions.
You can buy someone else a specialty plate as long as you have the last two digits of the vehicle identification number, the number of the plate being replaced and the recipient's name and address.
So if you're struggling to find the right gift for someone who already has everything, forgo that singing fish and join me in considering a specialty plate.
Just don't tell my dad.