Learn more about ADOT's St. Patrick's Day safety message.
Weather pros, scientists, engineers and others work together to make Arizona roads safer when dust kicks up.
Today's "Where in AZ??" photo is a particularly beautiful one, but do you know where this picture was taken? Post your answer on Facebook!
The Art of Transportation features geometric patterns in Marana.
A snowblower in action doesn't scream "spring has sprung," but that's exactly what's happening on State Route 67 north of the Grand Canyon.
Spike strips are one of the most common methods suggested for combating wrong-way drivers. Find out why they're not a potential response.
ADOT is working to eliminate border delays, ensuring fresh produce is transported safely and efficiently across Arizona.
It didn't happen quite as quickly as it might seem from the time-lapse video above, but as bridge projects go this job in northwestern Arizona was lightning fast.
Join us on the ADOT Facebook page for Arizona trivia!
We value the public input in our planning process. Please share your thoughts on ADOT's investments for the next five years.
Numbers are useful and may tell a story, but they can only do so much. Your feedback on MVD improvements tells us even more.
Final Four events leading up to Monday's championship game in Glendale should be a slam dunk if everyone plans ahead. We’ve done this before.
The Art of Transportation features a bright blue sky over the South Mountain Freeway construction zone.
Even if your bracket is a bust, ADOT's Final Four travel tips can make game day a success.
"Where in AZ??" is headed north today. Join us on Facebook and let us know where you think this photo was snapped.
ADOT continues its efforts to educate the trucking industry about how safety compliance can reduce border inspection times and make roads safer.
Motorists are key players in improving construction zone safety.
ADOT highway workers share the importance of work zone safety.
After more than five years of planning, work will begin in less than six months on a bridge carrying SR 347 over railroad tracks in Maricopa.
Safety is the No. 1 priority at ADOT. When it comes to work zones, vehicles speed by just inches away.