Q: Can the AZ SMART Fund reimburse me for expenditures I incurred and paid for eligible uses prior to the effective date of the program (September 24, 2022)?

A: No. The legislation establishing the AZ SMART Fund did not allow for retroactive reimbursements. Only expenditures incurred and paid after September 24, 2022 are eligible to be included in an application for the AZ SMART Fund.

Q: Can I self-administer my grant project?

A: It depends on the eligible use(s) for which the Applicant applies:

Developing and submitting a federal grant - Yes, all Applicants are responsible for procuring their own consultant and administering the services provided

Non-federal match for a federal grant - ADOT will administer the project if an Applicant is successful in securing a federal grant award, unless the federal grant allows and the Applicant elects to be a direct recipient. ADOT project development administration fees will apply to all ADOT-administered projects.

Q: Are regional planning organizations, tribes, for profit entities or non-profits eligible for the AZ SMART Fund?

A: The enabling legislation restricts applicants to Arizona cities, towns and counties within certain population parameters. For more information, see Current Population Estimates prepared by the Office of Economic Opportunity, Arizona Department of Administration.