Freeway in the desert


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ADOT has more than 100 specialty license plates featuring a range of worthy causes or charities. To boost awareness, we showcase one specialty license plate each week on social media.
Publisher Kelly Mero joins On the Road With ADOT this week to discuss how Arizona Highways, which soon will mark its centennial, continues promoting travel to and through the state of Arizona in this digital age.
Sept. 27 is celebrated each year as the World Tourism Day to foster awareness of tourism’s social, cultural and economic benefits. A great way to celebrate tourism day locally is to schedule an appointment at your MVD office and update your...

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ADOT Director Halikowski shares an important milestone for Interstate 11.
One Adopt a Highway volunteer was inspired to serve his community during his daily drive to work.
There are eleven US Highways in our state. Which one runs the least amount of miles?
Take a respite from the high heat and go back in time to lower temperatures.
You may have noticed them while traveling on the interstate, state highways in Arizona. Adopt a Highway recognition signs bearing the name of a volunteer group, a loved one memorialized or a local business sponsoring litter cleanup are all...
ADOT's photgrammetry library is a relic from before modern technology. But it's worth preserving, which is what is happening now.
Once wildfires come to an end, drivers should be on the lookout for flash flooding and other road hazards in areas with burn scars. If issues do occur, ADOT crews are ready to respond.
When you get your license plate in the mail, be sure the check the entire envelope!
If you haven't had a chance to drive over new Rio de Flag bridge, we have a preview of what you'll see once you do along with the work that went into making it happen.
A cool body of water is always welcome on a hot summer's day.