Section 404/401 Procedures
Section 404/401 Procedures
These procedures provide guidance on the preparation of jurisdictional delineations, Nationwide Permit preconstruction notification submittals and Individual Permit applications.
Clean Water Act Guidance Manual is now available.
Consultants are not allowed to make any modification to Corps tables, forms, etc, that is downloaded from this Web page. Although comprehensive, these procedures do not cover every single situation when doing JD work or Section 404 permitting.
If your project has particular circumstances that are not covered in this manual, contact the EPG planner and/or consult the Corps of Engineers website.
USACE Liaison
Alexandra Ryan
Regulatory Project Manager
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Los Angeles District
Regulatory Division, Arizona Branch
3636 N. Central Avenue Suite 900
Phoenix, AZ 85012-1939
Regional General Permit Information
Preliminary Jurisdictional Delineations
- Corps Labels for Preliminary Jurisdictional Delineations
- Corps ORM Upload Water Data Sheet (if 5 or more washes)
- Cover Letter
- ENG Form 6166-1, Wetlands Determination Data Sheet for Arid West Region
- ENG Form 6166-9, Wetlands Determination Data Sheet for Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region
- ENG Form 6247 Corps JD Request Form | Form 6247 - Word
- ENG Form 6249 Corps PJD Determination Form (to be used in most instances) | Form 6249 - Word
- Guidelines for Preliminary Jurisdictional Determinations
- JD Physical Characteristics
- Qualifications for CWA 404/401 Specialists
- Quality Control Checklist
- Quick Reference Chart for Approved JDs and Preliminary JDs
- Required Submittal Guidance
- Wetland Delineation Report Template
Approved Jurisdictional Delineations
Section 404/401
The primary documents prepared to acquire Section 404 permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers include Preconstruction Notifications (for projects that do not require an individual permit) and Individual 404 Permit applications.
As part of the Section 404 permitting process, ADOT applies for Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (for projects on tribal lands) and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (for projects on nontribal lands).
404 Permit Applications
Note: All NWP PCN applications should include documentation that the project is in compliance with the 31 General Conditions associated with the 2021 Nationwide Permits and Regional Conditions 1 (a-d), and 2. Form 6082 should be used for Nationwide Permit Preconstruction Notifications. Form 4035 should be used for all Individual Permit applications.
- Federal Register Notice (2021 NWPs and General Conditions) with Regional Conditions
- Required Submittal Guidance
- Nationwide Permit Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form 6082 for 2021 NWPs (with instructions) | Form 6082 - Word
- 2021 NWP Navajo Nation Regional General Conditions
- Application for Department of the Army Permit Form 4345 (Individual Permits) | Form 4345 - Word
- Instructions for Preparing Department of the Army Permit Application
- Corps 404(b)(1) Template (for Individual Permits)
- Cover Letter (for PCNs or Individual Permits)
- Quality Control Checklist
401 Certification Applications
- Nationwide Permit 401 Water Quality Certification: State of Arizona
- ADEQ Section 401 Certification - Application Cover Letter
- Navajo Nation 401 Water Quality Certification Application
- Navajo Nation 401 Certification Application Checklist for the Applicant
- Hualapai and White Mountain Apache (Contact EPG)
- Hopi Tribe (Contact EPG)
Commonly Used Nationwide Permits
- 2021 Nationwide Permit Information
- Nationwide Permit Number 3: Maintenance
- Nationwide Permit Number 6: Survey Activities
- Nationwide Permit Number 7: Outfall Structures and Associated Intake Structures
- Nationwide Permit Number 12: Utility Line Activities
- Nationwide Permit Number 13: Bank Stabilization
- Nationwide Permit Number 14: Linear Transportation Projects
- Nationwide Permit Number 18: Minor Discharges
- Nationwide Permit Number 19: Minor Dredging
- Nationwide Permit Number 23: Approved Categorical Exclusions
- Nationwide Permit Number 31: Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Facilities
- Nationwide Permit Number 33: Temporary Construction, Access and Dewatering
- Nationwide Permit Number 35: Maintenance Dredging of Existing Basins
- Nationwide Permit Number 38: Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste
- Nationwide Permit Number 41: Reshaping Existing Drainage Ditches
- Nationwide Permit Number 43: Stormwater Management Facilities
- Nationwide Permit Number 46: Discharges in Ditches
Applicable Laws Regulations and Policies
Jurisdiction Delineations
- 33 CFR 328: Definition of Waters of the United States
- List of Previous Jurisdictional Determinations and Traditional Navigable Waters (TNW) Decisions
- Field Guide to the Identification of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) in the Arid West Region of the Western United States (August 2008)
- Guidelines for JD Determinations for Waters of the U.S. in the Arid Southwest
- FHWA Guidance Memo on Preliminary Jurisdictions
404 Permitting
- Guidance on Compensatory Mitigation Projects for Aquatic Resource Impacts
- Guidance for the Establishment, Use and Operation of Mitigation Banks
- Guidance on the Use of In-Lieu-Fee Arrangements for Compensatory Mitigation
- Minimum Monitoring Requirements for Compensatory Mitigation Projects Involving the Restoration, Establishment and/or Enhancement of Aquatic Resources
- Special Public Notice: Nationwide Permits for Arizona
- Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material
- Special Public Notice: Emergency Processing Procedures
401 Certification