Biology and Clean Water Act Section 404/401
Biology and Clean Water Act Section 404/401
The ADOT Environmental Planning Biological Resources Program is comprised of biologists working on four main topics: Sensitive/protected species, Clean Water Act 404 permits/401 certifications, roadside vegetation and wildlife connectivity. Our mission is complying with regulations addressing sensitive species and waters of the U.S. This includes evaluating sensitive species, developing appropriate conservation measures and completing necessary Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultation. We also coordinate the biological components of ADOT projects and operations with land managing and resource agencies and Arizona tribes.
Additionally, the ADOT Biology Team assesses the potential for water resources considered jurisdictional under Section 404 of the CWA to occur within or near the project area. As part of this determination, a jurisdictional delineation may be conducted to determine the exact boundary and types of water features (such as wetlands or drainages) present on a project site. Please refer to the ADOT Clean Water Act Section 404/401 Guidance Manual for more details.
Our core vision is merging sensitive species issues, water, vegetation management and wildlife connectivity to streamline project development and create an efficient, cost effective project delivery and operations system.
Maps for Biologist and Herbicide/Invasive Species Contacts
Biological Guidance and Scoping
The biological Guidance and Scoping section will provide consultant practitioners the necessary links for the preparation and completion of project Biological Evaluation reports.
Biological Report Templates
The Biological Report Templates section will assist practitioners in the preparation of project Biological Evaluation reports.
- Biological Evaluation Short Form (BESF with instructions [.docx] and blank BESF [.docx])
- Biological Evaluation (BE)
- ADOT Activity Descriptions
- Example BE Transmittal Letters to BLM and USFS
- Example USFWS Transmittals from ADOT
- Commitment Matrix for Formal Consultations
Biological Handouts, Videos and Training Materials
The Biological Handouts and Training Materials section will provide the necessary biological resources training materials and handouts that are associated with the project Biological Evaluation Environmental Commitments.
- Guidelines for handling Sonoran Desert Tortoises Encountered on Development Projects
- Mexican Spotted Owl Training Video
- Mexican Spotted Owl Awareness Handout
- Narrow-headed Gartersnake Awareness Handout
- Sonoran Desert Tortoise Training Video
- Sonoran Desert Tortoise Awareness Handout
- Sonoran Desert Tortoise Observation Form
- Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Training Video
- Training Materials for the Pima Pineapple Cactus
- Western Burrowing Owl Awareness Handout
Standard Species Evaluations
- Project Species List Table
- Birds
- Mammals
- Herpetofauna
- Fish
- Plants