Cultural Resources

Cultural Resources

HPT Portal Access

The Historic Preservation Team (HPT) Portal is a web-based research database for the storage and retrieval of electronic project data on cultural resources along ADOT right of way, excluding those on tribal lands. This documentation facilitates appropriate consideration of project-associated impacts and subsequent mitigation measures. Access to the HPT Portal is limited to qualified cultural resources professionals and is gained through application and verification of qualifications. The application forms and guidance are available below; get more information and/or return forms to Daniel Rucker.


Guidance for Federal-Aid Projects

This section discusses how cultural resources are evaluated by the Historic Preservation Team (HPT) during project planning, design and construction. “Cultural resources” is a broad term that includes items, structures and sites of historical, archaeological, or architectural significance, typically older than 50 years.  The HPT is primarily responsible for ensuring that all ADOT projects consider project-related effects to significant historic and prehistoric cultural resources and that these undertakings meet the requirements of federal, tribal, and state historic preservation laws. Examples of laws and regulations that are typically addressed by HPT include the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), the Antiquities Act of 1906, and Arizona Revised Statute § 41-862.  In the planning phase of a transportation project, HPT begins to determine what cultural resources occur within the area of potential effects (APE).  Each project involves a cultural resource assessment that includes a records search and if necessary, surveys within the APE to identify possible sites.

Section 106 Process

Federal, tribal, and state laws and regulations that grant protections to cultural resources and historic properties must be addressed in the cultural resources section of a NEPA document.  Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on cultural resources included in, or eligible for inclusion in, the National Register of Historic Places.  It requires federal agencies to consider both the effects of a project and its reasonable alternatives on historic properties.  A federal agency whose project, funding or permit may affect a historic property, must seek ways to avoid, minimize or mitigate any adverse effects on historic properties.  In the event that a historic property or cultural resource will be affected by a project, a Section 106 consultation may be warranted. Consultation can also take place if there are no anticipated adverse effects.  A Section 106 consultation involves many entities including, but not limited to, ADOT, the State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO), tribes and land managing agencies.  The process typically involves: establishing the undertaking; initiating consultation; identifying the scope of work and the area of potential effects; identification of historic properties; determination of project effects; an assessment and resolution of adverse effects; and mitigation for adverse effects. There must be concurrence from all officials with jurisdiction that the proposed project satisfies local and federal laws in order for a proposed project to move forward. 

There are situations when there is no potential for a project to affect cultural resources or historic properties. In these situations, a cultural resources survey and agency concurrences are not required.  After evaluating project information, if the HPT Specialist determines that an undertaking has “no potential to effect” historic properties, a memo is issued to that effect.  

For more information on the Section 106 process, see the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's website.


Report Reviewing Checklist

The Report Reviewing Checklist is used to ensure the adequacy of cultural resource reports submitted to HPT. The Checklist is a compilation of the Arizona State Museum's Reporting Standards, the Arizona State Historic Preservation Administrative Procedures, and the Guidelines for Report Production Standards for ADOT Consultants.

Historic Preservation Team Cover and Title Page Templates

This download contains the cover page and inside title page for cultural resource reports only, and includes information specific to cultural resources only, such as permit numbers and permitting agency name. It also includes a disclosure/confidentiality statement that differs from other Environmental Planning reports.

List of Archaeological Consultants

The following list represents those institutions, organizations, and corporations that have blanket permits to conduct archaeological and/or paleontological surface survey and / or limited subsurface exploration in nonsite areas on all state, county, city and other municipal properties in Arizona.

Interim Agreement for the Treatment of Historic Roads

Good Roads Everywhere: A History of Road Building in Arizona

This document, consisting of 178 pages, provides a historic overview of road building to help identify those roads in Arizona worthy of preservation.


Contact Information

To arrange for avoidance flagging / monitoring of cultural resources, please contact the main EP office number at 602.712.7767. This should be done 10 business days in advance. In case of a discovery situation of previously unidentified cultural resources, please contact the main EP office number at 602.712.7767.